Motherboard fried?


I relocated the power regulator and now when I turn on my gamecube the power turns on but then turns off in like a second when i turned it on. Is my board fried? Btw im using ide wire
master801 said:
I relocated the power regulator and now when I turn on my gamecube the power turns on but then turns off in like a second when i turned it on. Is my board fried? Btw im using ide wire

check for the continuity between your wires on the power regulator to your gc with the multimeter's Beep function.
if it beeps, your wring is good.

also, make sure there aren't any traces or scratched on your gc board, even a single scratch on it can make the motherboard non functional.

also when sliming the gc board down, if you did this, be careful with the cuts and follow the trimming guide so you don't accidentally cut a part that may cause the gc be not turn on.
IDE isn't thick enough for power. Go get some 22 or 20 gauge wire. If IDE is all you have, use several wires per line not just one.
18 gauge. Period. 20 gauge screwes with my video quality and I have problems.

Gamerlolwind said:
master801 said:
I relocated the power regulator and now when I turn on my gamecube the power turns on but then turns off in like a second when i turned it on. Is my board fried? Btw im using ide wire

check for the continuity between your wires on the power regulator to your gc with the multimeter's Beep function.
if it beeps, your wring is good.

also, make sure there aren't any traces or scratched on your gc board, even a single scratch on it can make the motherboard non functional.

also when sliming the gc board down, if you did this, be careful with the cuts and follow the trimming guide so you don't accidentally cut a part that may cause the gc be not turn on.
If it beeps, it means that there is continuity between the pins. Also, the multimeter might beep because it thinks theres continuity, but to be sure, the ohms has to be close to 0. Like 0-1 ohms.
Fun fact: I've never taken wire gauge into account, just whatever's thicker than IDE wire for power. I got a whole *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ton of power wire from a computer PSU, I use that, makes sense to me.

Back in the day, I used to use multiple strands of IDE wire for power sometimes.

I don`t have a multimeter and are you sure psu wire would work? Also I acidently broke a transister connecting to the 12 volt line.
First off, no I have not tried to use thicker wire because I quit on it when I put my stuff in a bin and put it into my basement and, I am very broke so I cannot afford to buy new other wire thicker wire. I did not know that you can use PSU wire until Shockslayer mentioned it, I have lots of those (until I threw most away, thanks for not telling me!). And also a small black transistor connecting to the 12v line. (I have already mentioned this. I think?)
master801 said:
First off, no I have not tried to use thicker wire because I quit on it when I put my stuff in a bin and put it into my basement and, I am very broke so I cannot afford to buy new other wire thicker wire. I did not know that you can use PSU wire until Shockslayer mentioned it, I have lots of those (until I threw most away, thanks for not telling me!). And also a small black transistor connecting to the 12v line. (I have already mentioned this. I think?)

You can get wire for around 2 dollars at thrift stores with junk bins. 2 dollars :P

Also, avoid throwing ANYTHING away. You never know when you might need it.

Now, I assume you are talking about the power board for a rev A/B motherboard. And I'm guessing you broke off one of the little resistors or caps that is close to the power pins of the mobo? A pic would help me, but I don't think that would be the problem. It might be your wire, and you might have the voltages mixed up.
Yeah I learned that throwing stuff away, the hard way. I threw away 2 gamecubes (in stripped form) and I now need a a memory card slot. Yep.... And I cannot give you a photo because I have no good camera to use and the cameras at my house are crap and do not work properly.
Not trying to double post but when I re-wired the board with the psu wire it still had that same effect. What's wrong with it? Is it a fried board? Also I have the small broken resistor number, it's either "C121" or "C247". I can't tell because the numbers are on top of each other and point in the same direction.
First of all, a component with a "C" in front of it is a "Capacitor," not a transistor. That confused us...

Second, that capacitor is the most valuable power cap. You'll have to get one from another board, or just get an entirely new board.

Third, power wire isn't quite thick enough for the gamecube (as far as I've experimented.) Try two power wires at once. Better yet, go get some 20 gauge wire. It's really easy to obtain.
Can't I buy one from online or maybe from a person that has an extra one? Like from maybe Shockslayer, or anybody else?
20 awg wire isnt thick enough. Also in my experience the GC would boot with thin wire, just video would be bad quality.