Modretro Chat *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING SUCKS


Frequent Poster
The modretro Chat *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING SUCKS. SO MUCH LAG AND LOST POSTS. Didn't used to be this way....

palmer? Jlee? whoever?

Anyway we can improve it?

Even Hungry Chat is ten thousand times better than tinychat for text chat.
Uhh srs, let's install a clean AJAX and only add what we need to. Yeah, you guys worked hard on it. But a lot of that work was to install flax we don't need. I'd rather have a fast chat with no lost messages than the some lulzy commands in the hungry hungry chatroom.
Well, I did the few things I could.
Don't know if it helped.

Something I didn't do must be the problem, because I don't do anything new, like, ever. Maybe jelly knows.

The staff will take a look at it.

Re: Modretro Chat Linking SUCKS

Ampersand said:
Uhh srs, let's install a clean AJAX and only add what we need to. Yeah, you guys worked hard on it. But a lot of that work was to install flux we don't need. I'd rather have a fast chat with no lost messages than the some lulzy commands in the hungry hungry chatroom.
you only feel that way because you can't use the lulzy commands. :awesome:
Re: Modretro Chat Linking SUCKS

I'll fix it, and you are all going to complain anyway.

So I'm gonna fix it anyway.
And then I'm going to disable it for weeks at a time whenever y'all complain instead of contacting me about problems.
It was pretty laggy the last couple times I poked my head in...

Please don't kill me