ModRetro Block Land server (good or bad)

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Yeah but I'm saving for future purposes. At 13 I'm focused and (level of priority) 1) School 2) saving money for stuff(like a car) 3) 3) finishing GC portable 4) buying parts for an Xbox 360 Laptop 5) Other stuff 6) girls. But hey if I have an extra $22 I'll buy minecraft.

As someone who has been your age, I would suggest putting Minecraft before girls and a car. :P Both of those will cost a lot of money over time, while Minecraft is a one time purchase. Besides, by the time you have a car, you will probably have a job, and making money will be a lot easier then. :wink:

I laud you for your saving habits, though. They will serve you well.
Palmer speaks the truth. Women aren't cheap. They can be, but good luck finding one of those.
True, any women that's cheap really isn't really worth it. So girls are now last (until I'm older and get a well paying job).
I can also change this to, "How to best describe the order of important things in my life and how to pay and explain them".
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