You're coming. There's no just in case...

also, sadly the blacksmithing thing fell through... But I'm sure I can come up with something crazy to do.

Bo and I are fo sho.

Abyss has to talk to his peeps, and Herma just needs the holla dolla. I am doing my best to bug them at every opportunity.

Bo and I are going to come to your house on the 11th. We'll stay the night and take you to MRTN, then take you back, stay the night again and leave, so we aren't traveling like mad.

Sound good?

Hello my lovely internet pals. It is I, your favorite godDang ShockSlayer, here on behalf of ttsgeb getting flax done. I'm here to nail down our final meetup-based details and get everyone on the same page.

1. Sleeping arrangements. Geb has limited space and like no furniture, bring a sleeping bag and we can work out something.

2. Food budget. More or less general rule of thumb is to have enough to buy food for yourself the whole time. Cash works best, specially if we go out to eat and decide to split the bill. Day one of MRTN we all went to the store and bought ourselves some food for whenever. I dunno how much space geb's fridge/freezer has, so we'll have to be mindful of that as well. Ordering pizza is legit too, we could also just send someone out on like, a mcdonalds run or something.

3. Things ta brings:
- Any portables/finished projects you can, SS needs toys.
- Any WIP stuff, we could potentially finish some stuff.
- A few of your own tools. Like, I would prefer to have my own soldering iron, exacto knife, tweezers, etc. Small stuff, we can share most things.
- Consumable portablizing resources(screens, batteries, extra consoles, etc. If you're like me and buy components in bulk on ebay, bring 'em and share 'em.)
- General travel junk(you all know what this entails of course, clothes, brushie, hot sauce)
- Excess manlove.

***If anyone wants to request something be brought, speak thy part.

4. Code of conduct. More or less boils down to don't do anything asinine or dickish. Geb lives in an apartment so we can't be extremely loud at 3AM if you catch my drift, and no getting excessively drunk and puking on the racoons.

5. Livestreaming. We should stream something, but I might just bumble around with a camera at random times ala MRTN/Basement and do a compilation video later.

6. Final notes:
- If I forgot something, let me know.

ShockSlayer said:
Hello my lovely internet pals. It is I, your favorite godDang ShockSlayer, here on behalf of ttsgeb getting flax done. I'm here to nail down our final meetup-based details and get everyone on the same page.

1. Sleeping arrangements. Geb has limited space and like no furniture, bring a sleeping bag and we can work out something.

2. Food budget. More or less general rule of thumb is to have enough to buy food for yourself the whole time. Cash works best, specially if we go out to eat and decide to split the bill. Day one of MRTN we all went to the store and bought ourselves some food for whenever. I dunno how much space geb's fridge/freezer has, so we'll have to be mindful of that as well. Ordering pizza is legit too, we could also just send someone out on like, a mcdonalds run or something.

3. Things ta brings:
- Any portables/finished projects you can, SS needs toys.
- Any WIP stuff, we could potentially finish some stuff.
- A few of your own tools. Like, I would prefer to have my own soldering iron, exacto knife, tweezers, etc. Small stuff, we can share most things.
- Consumable portablizing resources(screens, batteries, extra consoles, etc. If you're like me and buy components in bulk on ebay, bring 'em and share 'em.)
- General travel junk(you all know what this entails of course, clothes, brushie, hot sauce)
- Excess manlove.

***If anyone wants to request something be brought, speak thy part.

4. Code of conduct. More or less boils down to don't do anything asinine or dickish. Geb lives in an apartment so we can't be extremely loud at 3AM if you catch my drift, and no getting excessively drunk and puking on the racoons.

5. Livestreaming. We should stream something, but I might just bumble around with a camera at random times ala MRTN/Basement and do a compilation video later.

6. Final notes:
- If I forgot something, let me know.


may i can attend