ttsgeb said:
Gonna go ahead and say this one: Inside my apt is a strict no smoking zone.
That would be an asinine thing to do. Geb, I'm not sure why but for some reason substance abuse seems to be the new meetup trend. I can't wait for M3TN where everyone starts dremling cocaine and mobo's into a "SnortSlayer Surprise"

ttsgeb said:
Gonna go ahead and say this one: Inside my apt is a strict no smoking zone.
I thought that was understood from the beginning. <3

M3TN: it's like the first 2, but with a lot more meth.
Well I'm bringing 4 GameCubes if I end up going. We can either make something cool or sacrifice them to the spirit of Tchay.
HERMA. I need you. And Afro. And Abyss. And Nterror.

What do you guys think about doing some forgin' stuff? I could use to make some sword things happen, geb can take us to a forge and we can hardcore get sweaty and swing hammers. Sound fun? Also does anyone have projects they want to bring to work on?

Haven't posted here yet just because after Downing's thing and the extended vacation I have scheduled for August there's really no way I can make this. Don't think for a second I don't want to though.
Re: Re: M2TN!

ShockSlayer said:
You will be there, worry not. I'm wokring on some cardboard cutouts of you, KB, Ish, etc.

Make some of Nterror and I. Just in case.