lots of xbox questions


#1 Female Member
since i finally have a battery that can power an xbox for a reasonable amount of time, i figured i would start work on my xbox project. :awesome: but, i have some questions:

-how do i tsop flash? i dont know anything about it. :gonk:

-how do i get 3.3 volts out of 12 volts or 5 volts? is it a 7802?

-how many amps does an original xbox draw, on each of the power lines? ie, 3.3v, 5v, and 12v, :dahroll:

-if i tsop flash, can i easily replace the disc drive with a laptop drive? or do i have to use a laptop hdd, and no disc drive, if i want it thin?

-i wouldnt be opposed to buying a new xbox, that is already tsop flashed, assuming the price is right.
EDIT: after looking into tsop flashing, i have decided i dont feel like getting all the boot discs and files and stuff. i would like to buy a tsop flashed xbox. pm me about it.
thanks in advance! :awesome:
samjc3 said:
since i finally have a battery that can power an xbox for a reasonable amount of time, i figured i would start work on my xbox project. :awesome: but, i have some questions:

-how do i tsop flash? i dont know anything about it. :gonk:

-how do i get 3.3 volts out of 12 volts or 5 volts? is it a 7802?
There's no such thing as a 7802. You will have to use a regulator like a LM317 or PTH08080. The XBOX needs very stable power, however. A picoPSU may be the best option.

-how many amps does an original xbox draw, on each of the power lines? ie, 3.3v, 5v, and 12v, :dahroll:
Don't know, but probably quite a bit.

-if i tsop flash, can i easily replace the disc drive with a laptop drive? or do i have to use a laptop hdd, and no disc drive, if i want it thin?
Relatively easy. I don't know the exact method, but you can replace both with normal devices. A laptop HDD will work with an adaptor (different connector), as will a DVD drive.

-i wouldnt be opposed to buying a new xbox, that is already tsop flashed, assuming the price is right.
Never seen one, but I know you can get them.

thanks in advance! :awesome:

Check out xbox-scene, it's a great place for this kind of stuff.
The xbox already has seperate lines for 12v, 5v, and 3.3v. Like XCVG said, xbox-scene and se7ensins.com have some great info.

There's a guy locally to me who sells tsop'ed xboxes on craigslist for $90. If you want, I can email him and see what he's got.
well, it doesnt matter anymore. i realized my battery wont work. it has the voltage and the amps, but not the current. guess i'll use it for a ps2 laptop instead. or maybe a dreamcast. or maybe a wii even though wii sucks. or maybe a ps3 slim (yeah, right.)or maybe an amazing n64p that runs for 50 hours! :awesome:
Okay, a battery has three rating you want to look at.

Voltage- in volts, ex. 7.4V, 11.1V
Capacity- in mAh or Ah, ex. 2500mAh, 6000mAh, 6Ah (1Ah is 1000mAh)
XCVG said:
Okay, a battery has three rating you want to look at.

Voltage- in volts, ex. 7.4V, 11.1V
Capacity- in mAh or Ah, ex. 2500mAh, 6000mAh, 6Ah (1Ah is 1000mAh)
i know that, but my battery cant put out enough current for the xbox. its 18ah, but it can only release, 3500mah at 20v, 2000mah at 12v, and 1000 at 5v or 3.3v. it cant match the draw of the xbox, which takes 1A at 12v, like 8A at 5v, and over 10 at 3.3 volts. the only way it might work, is if i use the 20v line, and run it into a picopsu. but i dont think it will supply enough power. granted, i havent done the calculations. :dahroll:
Are you using one of those piece of crap premade batteries? If you are, you can remove the regulator board and rewire the cells the way you need them. You may need a new PCB too, no big deal.

Also, the XBOX is basically PC and needs similar power. That means accurate, stable power. A picoPSU will take 12V and convert it to the necessary power. In some versions of XBOX I think you can plug it right in (might be wrong though). You COULD do it with TI cards, but you would need odd-valued, accurate resistors and a lot of capacitors.
XCVG said:
Are you using one of those piece of crap premade batteries? If you are, you can remove the regulator board and rewire the cells the way you need them. You may need a new PCB too, no big deal.

Also, the XBOX is basically PC and needs similar power. That means accurate, stable power. A picoPSU will take 12V and convert it to the necessary power. In some versions of XBOX I think you can plug it right in (might be wrong though). You COULD do it with TI cards, but you would need odd-valued, accurate resistors and a lot of capacitors.
my battery is an energizer xp18000. the ones that beta (argh, how do i make an ess-tset?) linked that were on woot. i got it, and its awesome. :awesome:
Yeah, rip it apart and you will probably find a bunch of cells and a circuit board. You will probably need to re-wire the cells and get a new PCB. Then again they could be lying about the capacity (or measuring it in an odd way), making it pretty useless to you.
XCVG said:
Yeah, rip it apart and you will probably find a bunch of cells and a circuit board. You will probably need to re-wire the cells and get a new PCB. Then again they could be lying about the capacity (or measuring it in an odd way), making it pretty useless to you.
indeed they could. since the battery puts out variable voltage, it will be interesting to see whats inside. :dahroll: time to find out. :awesome:
can anyone find me a picoPSU that will put out 13.2 amps on the 5 volt line? the biggest one i have found maxes at 8 amps on the 5v line. and, if i get one, can i plug it straight into the xbox? my xbox has a standard 24 pin atx power plug. at least it looks the same. knowing MS, they might have switched voltages and stuff around? :gonk:
zeturi said:
NOOOO!!!! I hope I'm not too late! Don't plug the pico directly in, the wiring is different on all models. Here, this linky should help: http://pinouts.ru/Game/xbox_power_pinout.shtml
youz are no too late. my xbox is the 20 pin, which is actually a 24 pin plug, and it looks exactly like a standard atx. i just dont know if everything is in the right spot. :dah:
but it doesnt matter now. i have decided to go about it another way. since the xbox mainly runs on 5v and 3.3v, and, it turns out, my battery is and 18000 mah 5 volt pack, i am going to:
A)replace the fans with a water cooler or something, and replace the hard drive with a 2.5" incher, so the whole thin will run off 5v or less.

B)run the five volts into a ti card or something, to get the >1Ah of 12v that i need.

C) if i decide to make a laptop, and my screen runs 12v, i will most likely rethink this whole thing. but at this point, im just going for a battery powered xbox. then i'll decide what to do with it. :awesome:
samjc3 said:
A)replace the fans with a water cooler or something, and replace the hard drive with a 2.5" incher, so the whole thin will run off 5v or less.

Don't replace the fans with watercooling. Hugely heavy and a PITA, especially for portables. Get better heatsinks and maybe some quiet fans. Also, even 2.5" drives need 12V IIRC.

samjc3 said:
B)run the five volts into a ti card or something, to get the >1Ah of 12v that i need.

First off, CAPACITY is in Ah (amp-hours) or mAh (milliamp-hours). CURRENT is in A (amps). Get it right. Second, I know just the part you need. PTN04050C
XCVG said:
samjc3 said:
A)replace the fans with a water cooler or something, and replace the hard drive with a 2.5" incher, so the whole thin will run off 5v or less.

Don't replace the fans with watercooling. Hugely heavy and a PITA, especially for portables. Get better heatsinks and maybe some quiet fans. Also, even 2.5" drives need 12V IIRC.
nope. 2.5 inch drives run off usb. so 5v. :awesome: and whats PITA?