little kids are fun


Frequent Poster
I was working on my 64boy and some of my siblings friends come into my room and see my 26" hdtv/monitor. Then they say, "WOAH! Did you build that screen thingy!?" (they know I build stuff like like the n64p) Then they immediately ask what I'm making. I say, "I'm making another one." (the 64 boy) And they go "WOW! Another tv?!" They're about 6-8 years old.

Little kids are so funny. :lol:

Have you ever had little kid say something crazy to you? (about modding or otherwise)
Me: Playing Motorstorm on the PS3, oldest son watching me play.
Me: Wrecks spectacularly on a stupid curve
Son (4 years old): That was a fail.
robm said:
Me: Playing Motorstorm on the PS3, oldest son watching me play.
Me: Wrecks spectacularly on a stupid curve
Son (4 years old): That was a fail.

That's exactly how it is with my 8-year-old brother xD
When I saw this thread, I thought you were a pedophile.

Also, personally I hate little kids. I find them really, really annoying. Although I'm just being a jerk; I can understand why other people like them so much.
I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids. I hate little kids.
I like little kids sometimes - mostly when their attention is on me or doing something that doesn't involve them bringing random crap inside or roasting a goat :)
XCVG said:
When I saw this thread, I thought you were a pedophile.

Also, personally I hate little kids. I find them really, really annoying. Although I'm just being a jerk; I can understand why other people like them so much.
On that note, i went to a small party last night, and the only two girls there were in high-school. I hear them talking about "teacher work days" and realize Oh flax, jailbait!
I'll actually post something for once!

So, I was troubleshooting the controller portion of my first GCP and my little sister's friend came over to play....

The little girl then comes over to me and asks what I am doing. I give her the dumbed down explanation: "stuff"

She then stairs at my controller board for about 5 seconds and says "you're doing it all wrong"

I laugh. She then takes my little screw driver and shoves it into the exposed left joystick. She then says something complicated about the insides of the joystick being tangled. She then "tightens" the joystick. She repeats on the right joystick. THEN she points out a short on my board that I then fix.

I then test the controller board. It works. :eek: She then tries to explain what she did, but to this day I have no idea what the heck she was talking about. She also started explaining the operands of the Gecko chip on the Gamecube motherboard to me....... :dah:

She was 8 years old.

I don't have anything to say about that, lol

I think Jlee has the power to control little girls.
Dang, that comics hilarious! It reminds me of me and my daughter. Absolutely precious when your cute little daughter talks about how her daddy gets killing sprees while holding a hello kitty doll. "Daddy! That was a double kill!"