Let's make Palmer's job for ComiCon easier.

I'm bringing a ratshack soldering iron, a dremel, all my N64 games, my clothes (if I have extra room in my suitcase), and my Micro64. Also-I am making a GCp to sell for plane money with the parts I get in a trade for the QUAD 64. If anyone wants a ZN-40 GCp with a JB-55 on the back, let me know now and you can dicide on paint color and stuff.
Basement_Modder said:
Why go to Mexico to see a bunch of mexicans when you can go to SanDiago and see a bunch of mexicans?
why go on a safari when you can see Elephants in the zoo?
Basement_Modder said:
Why go to Mexico to see a bunch of mexicans when you can go to SanDiago and see a bunch of mexicans?
Im not going to Mexico to see mexicans...You overlooked the fact that I live in Arizona; Phoenix for that matter. There are so many (il)legal immigrants here it's not even funny.
Besides I was born in San Diego so its not like I'm missing anything new.
jeez leave the guy alone.

Can't a guy go to Mexico for the cheap fat hookers without everyone busting his cojones? :P