Let's have an argument about Polarizers.


Frequent Poster
I am like 90% sure this is the same kind of plastic used in the GBA SP front-light panel.
I ask Palmer and he says it looks about right too.

http://www.spectrusinc.com/products-det ... %A2-177/4/
Direct/indirect fixtures: Overlay MicroLinear to provide high angle brightness control and good lamp obscuration. Optimum results are achieved when prisms are away from the lamp side, and run in the same axis as the lamp.
>Implying that this is supposed to be lit from the side.

It even says they can cut it to custom sizes. :3

So liek it prolly costs a bit, but someone call and find out and then lets all put in a few bux and get some?
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

I think palmer said something about maybe buying some of this stuff for the store.
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

Just having a piece of plastic with grooves in it won't work.

It has to have the grooves cut at the right angle and the right spacing and the right # of grooves for the specific size you are needing and the amount of light you are putting through it.

I did a lot of research on this when the Afterburner was popular.
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

hailrazer said:
Just having a piece of plastic with grooves in it won't work.

It has to have the grooves cut at the right angle and the right spacing and the right # of grooves for the specific size you are needing and the amount of light you are putting through it.

I did a lot of research on this when the Afterburner was popular.

Yeah just like how I cant replace the polarizing layer on my PSone screen.
RITE? :dahroll:
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

epicelite said:
hailrazer said:
Just having a piece of plastic with grooves in it won't work.

It has to have the grooves cut at the right angle and the right spacing and the right # of grooves for the specific size you are needing and the amount of light you are putting through it.

I did a lot of research on this when the Afterburner was popular.

Yeah just like how I cant replace the polarizing layer on my PSone screen.
RITE? :dahroll:

Whatever....Please be sure to post when you accomplish it. :roll:

I never said it can't be replaced . I said it can't be done without air bubbles and dust inside it. And that it costs to much. Please get your facts straight.

And you should change your title from resident troll to resident dumb A$$
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

And I'm about 99% sure this is just a cover that goes over fluorescent lights as a diffuser.
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

hailrazer said:
And you should change your title from resident troll to resident dumb Ass
Ahahaha, burn!
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

epicelite said:
hailrazer said:
And I'm about 99% sure this is just a cover that goes over fluorescent lights as a diffuser.

I bet you my PSone screen that I can replace the polerizing layer with no dust or bubbles under it.

I just need some monies to buy this.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... K:MEWAX:IT

LOl... yea good luck with that.

And that's not even polarizers with adhesive , so yea pretty easy to lay it on a screen and have no bubbles or dust.

Oh and go ahead and waste your money on them. Hint, they're not even the right kind. :roll:
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

hailrazer said:
epicelite said:
hailrazer said:
And I'm about 99% sure this is just a cover that goes over fluorescent lights as a diffuser.

I bet you my PSone screen that I can replace the polerizing layer with no dust or bubbles under it.

I just need some monies to buy this.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... K:MEWAX:IT

LOl... yea good luck with that.

And that's not even polarizers with adhesive , so yea pretty easy to lay it on a screen and have no bubbles or dust.

Oh and go ahead and waste your money on them. Hint, they're not even the right kind. :roll:

Its just an example...

Also I asked Palmer and he said he has replaced it before, so in ur face. I will make him reply to this as soon as he is done playing videogaemz.
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

epicelite said:
Also I asked Palmer and he said he has replaced it before, so in ur face. I will make him reply to this as soon as he is done playing videogaemz.
"In my face" Seriously are you retarded. Because if that's the case I'll stop posting because you can't help yourself. If not try to READ and UNDERSTAND.

Anyone can replace a polarizer...Anyone. But without a clean room it can't be done without dust and bubbles. Heck 99.9% of the people in the world can't put on a screen protector without it looking like flaxe.

But you know everything and obviously are smarter than everyone who has a differing opinion. So go right ahead and try it all.

Oh that's right , no money... nevermind then.
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

I have replaced polarizers. You do not need a clean room, what works well is to take a nice long shower with all the doors closed, then do the surgery while the room is really hot and steamy. The moisture attaches to and brings the dust to the ground, and the high humidity also aids in the adhesion.

Bibin has also done this, it is definitely possible with smaller screens that you can manage the whole sheet well with. I just don't know if Dr. Killgood has the skill. :dahroll: Not to mention the fact that you will probably spend more getting your technique right with wasted polarizers than if you had just bought a new panel. ;)

As for the frontlight sheet, I am not sure. It looks a lot like one, but unless I see some specific info on how to use it as one, I am skeptical. I will give them a holler, though.
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

I have put on a lot of screen protectors in my day, with no dust under them. I think I can manage. :3
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

Yeah, screen protectors are a whole different ballgame in terms of stickyness and flexibility.
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

epicelite said:
bit whateverz as long as I am showing hailrazer who is boss its all good. :dahroll:


That's all I can say about that.
Re: GROUP BUY: GBA SP Front light matireal.

epicelite said:
bit whateverz as long as I am showing hailrazer who is boss its all good. :dahroll:

Oh yea you're showing me. :roll:

Make sure you buy two because as Palmer said
I just don't know if Dr. Killgood has the skill. :dahroll: Not to mention the fact that you will probably spend more getting your technique right with wasted polarizers than if you had just bought a new panel. ;)

Oh and then cry a bit when you realize you could have bought a brand new Psone screen for $42 shipped.

And be sure to post your results. I'm sure that it's going to be great. :)