Frequent Poster
I am like 90% sure this is the same kind of plastic used in the GBA SP front-light panel.
I ask Palmer and he says it looks about right too.
http://www.spectrusinc.com/products-det ... %A2-177/4/
It even says they can cut it to custom sizes.
So liek it prolly costs a bit, but someone call and find out and then lets all put in a few bux and get some?
I ask Palmer and he says it looks about right too.
http://www.spectrusinc.com/products-det ... %A2-177/4/
>Implying that this is supposed to be lit from the side.Direct/indirect fixtures: Overlay MicroLinear to provide high angle brightness control and good lamp obscuration. Optimum results are achieved when prisms are away from the lamp side, and run in the same axis as the lamp.
It even says they can cut it to custom sizes.

So liek it prolly costs a bit, but someone call and find out and then lets all put in a few bux and get some?