Just got an OnLive console!


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Just got one for free, came in the mail today. I also have Homefront and Metro 2033.

Gonna be testing it out on my 30/15 fiber line, FiOS might make it bearable.
Why hadn't I heard about this before now? It sounds awesome.

How did you get one for free though?
The OnLive system itself looks pretty cool, I think. Problem is, my internet sucks, so it'd probably be a waste of money for me...

My desktop will run any game I throw at it anyways, so I have even less of a reason to go for it. :p
I can see how the idea could work. However, it would only work decently if you had an EXCELLENT internet connection and were in relatively close proximity to their datacentre. From what I heard, even then there's a delay. Of course, you have zero control over your games as well. I can see some people being interested in OnLive and similar services, but I'm not. I'll invest in hardware that can run games locally. My internet connection is sometimes so bad that I would probably have better luck watching a gameplay video on YouTube and mashing random keys.

EDIT: It also seems to require an HDTV. Have an old fashioned tube SDTV? You're out of luck.
I need to stop dropping off of the internet for a few weeks so I won't miss things like this promotion. :(
Also, onlive totally works even over my wifi. The limitations don't come from our end, they come from onlive's end.
Personally I wont use onlive on principle (miss a monthly payment, lose all games), but it would be cool to see a portable of this, and see what kind of bandwidth it takes.
Yeah, I dislike the idea of not having my games stored anywhere but the mystical "cloud."

Don't get me wrong, this is a cool idea, but I really hope this isn't going to become the future of gaming. No hard copies or even locally-stored files I can run from my own hardware? I don't like having someone else in control of my games...
Twilight Wolf said:
I don't like having someone else in control of my _____
Boy, dont let *insert electronics company here* hear you say that. They will watch you even more.
Electronics, eh? Crazy flux.
samjc3 said:
Personally I wont use onlive on principle (miss a monthly payment, lose all games)
Onlive no longer has a monthly payment.

I really love a lot of the features of Onlive like the Arena and Brag Clips. It makes me wish that some of those features could be pulled into something like steam.

Also, it's pretty fun to just play the trials of onlive games without spending a dime. You can basically just play the deniable ops in Splinter Cell over and over again without paying for the game.
kylechu said:
samjc3 said:
Personally I wont use onlive on principle (miss a monthly payment, lose all games)
Onlive no longer has a monthly payment.

I really love a lot of the features of Onlive like the Arena and Brag Clips. It makes me wish that some of those features could be pulled into something like steam.

Also, it's pretty fun to just play the trials of onlive games without spending a dime. You can basically just play the deniable ops in Splinter Cell over and over again without paying for the game.
You can also pirate it and play the full game over and over :trollface:
kylechu said:
Also, it's pretty fun to just play the trials of onlive games without spending a dime. You can basically just play the deniable ops in Splinter Cell over and over again without paying for the game.

I could download and play demos on my PC ten years ago.

ShockSlayer said:
Modchip/flash cart/HDD/burnable dvd's anyone?

PC that doesn't suck, anyone?
XCVG said:
I could download and play demos on my PC ten years ago.
With Onlive, the big selling point is that you do not have to download the demos. You are instantly streaming them. While that isn't enough for me, you at least have to admit that that sets it apart from other ways to play games.