ITT Bibin plays with Solid State Drives (SSDs)


Frequent Poster
So I got my hands on two identical Crucial 64GB M225 SSDs, which is basically a high-speed SATA-controlled NAND flash drive designed to replace a traditional spinning platter HDD.

Having two of them, I thought a RAID array would be pretty cool.

Now, my fairly new laptop, a 13" MacBook Pro, has two SATA ports - one for the HDD, one for the DVD drive. All I would need to do is fit the SSDs in the slots for the HDD and DVD drives. Problem! The DVD drive uses a proprietary miniaturized SATA power plug. A quick purchase from got me an adapter that not only converted the plug but also allowed me to comfortably mount my drive inside a DVD drive-shaped bracket that installed very smoothly in the slot.

Now that I had them both hooked up, I'd have to reinstall the system.

I plugged in my firewire HDD full of software install images, and booted up the installer. About 10 minutes into installing, it claimed an unknown error and wouldn't install. Five tries later I was annoyed. This is before I even set up the RAID - I was just trying to install to one drive as-is.

Fast forward, I've installed OS X Snow Leopard to a traditional HDD, and made a time machine backup. I then installed the SSDs again, set them up to run in RAID 0 (striped), and restored from backup. A few minutes of fixing file permissions and everything was great!

Results time!

It boots in about 9 seconds. Great.
XBench reports phenomenal disk transfer rates:
Sequential uncached write: 310MB/s
Sequential uncached read: 398MB/s
Random uncached write: 303.2MB/s
Random uncached read: 256.3MB/s

Soon I'll be posting a video of me launching every single application on the computer at once. It'll be fun.
9 seconds! good gosh! So, how does this 128gigs compare to your previous storage capacity? Are you planning on setting your old drives up as external or what?
I gave the old, slow 5,400RPM to my sister's aging macbook that had an 80GB. Now I have a spare 80GB.

Oh, it pleases me to announce I have a THIRD spare 64GB SSD. This one's an SLC!
Well, it depends on what you're trying to boost... They aren't going to make it any quicker to browse the web. They may, however, change how quickly your operating system, or anything else saved on it loads, but not if your HDD isn't a bottleneck.
aceboy44 said:
bentomo said:
I want SSDs :cry4:

They are rip-off and don't boost performance that much. I had a OCZ Vertex 64MB cache 120GB and it sucked to be honest....
In other words, you didn't do research and bought something because you like the brad then whined about it

look at the *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing tests I ran and tell me it doesn't make improvements.

Every post of yours has been inane nonsense so far.
ShockSlayer said:
Bibin is a racist.


I really hope you aren't trying to be serious?

Beta it doesn't matter where he lives, I'm not talking about grammar or anything like that...
SSDs are very quiet, and rugged. I can't count how many times I've thrown or dropped my laptop.
aceboy44 said:
bentomo said:
I want SSDs :cry4:

They are rip-off and don't boost performance that much. I had a OCZ Vertex 64MB cache 120GB and it sucked to be honest....
coming from the same guy who wanted to upgrade from i7 to core 2.....:facepalm:

anyone else seen that video where they wire 24 of them things in raid?