Is there an alternate way to to make the controllers?


Apparently plover is a type of bird.
You mostly know about my portable SNES, but is there a way to make the controllers other than the way he lists in the book?

My first priority way is to keep the contacts from the original SNES controllers, and use the rubber contacts, rather than tact switches.

That's actually the only thing I want to do.
Well, I'm new to this stuff. When you started out modding I'm sure you didn't ever think you could do that. I know you CAN do it, but I want to know HOW.
You can cut the traces on the controller board and solder new switches on wherever you want, you just connect one corner of the switch to a button trace, and the opposite corner to ground! You follow me?
I think so.

So I would basically just cut up the controller however I want, and use ribbon cable to wire it back the way it was?

I'm definitely using that in my next project, but as for this one, I'm too far along on the controllers. :cry4:

Oh well, I'm saving the player 2 port for that, as well.
Ooh, also, is there a way to wire the tact switch method mentioned in Ben's book, but using only one NES IC?
pLover said:
Ooh, also, is there a way to wire the tact switch method mentioned in Ben's book, but using only one NES IC?

No, not for SNES. However, you can use the SNES controller IC or just buy some 4021s from digi-key or whatever.
is a 4021 a SNES IC duplicate, or a NES IC duplicate?

Another thing I need to know (Unrelated to the topic title) which wires do you need to use the multimeter on? It's all the power wires, button wires, regulator wires, and A/V out wires, right?
A 4021 is the chip inside a NES controller. You can gang two of them to make a SNES controller.
I know, I have one already, but something happened to the other NES controller in the mail.

I'm pretty sure it's the right kind of IC, but I just need confirmation before I buy it.
Get two, because having matching ones is better. Maybe get a spare too, and while you are ordering that get some other parts you need.
Ok, so I have another issue and I need some help. I don't have drill bits small enough to drill holes in the circuits without screwing up the other circuits. Anyways, can I just solder things on to the face of the board, or so I really need a smaller drill bit?