Is there a way to...


Apparently plover is a type of bird. change the DMG's screen to grey so you can truly play in black and white on a classic DMG? I assume not, at least, not one that's less than incredibly difficult. However, it would be interesting to see if there was one, and it would be awesome to mod it.
Think Bibin said somewhere that the MGB and DMG screens were cross compatible but just hard to wire up.
Yup, that, or take the front polarizer from a GB Pocket LCD and just install it on the DMG one.

The GB Pocket LCD is greenish just like the DMG, but it has some layer I don't quite understand on the front polarizer that seems to block the effect.

But as for the GBP polarizer, I assume putting that in a DMG would just make it appear less green, liek the GBP, rather than not green at all, is that correct?