Is there a way to wire a gba player to a wii?


Is there a way to wire a gba player to a wii? The wii plays GC discs so i would think the software portion would be covered, but I dont think the wii has the port the GC had for the gba player. So, I am wondering if anyone has or knows how to wire said player to a wii.
Here's why the GB Player is all hardware based. The software basically tells the GC to forward the video from the GBP. Unless you could find compatible pinouts on the Wii (highly unlikely), it's probably never going to happen.
That said, there's always VBA GX...
Too bad VBA/VBA-M still run really badly on Power PC based CPUs (ie: Wii). Some games work fine, others get frame-skipped like there is no tomorrow.
No, trust me, it's a known issue. Play some of the more demanding GBA games.
I heard a guy made his non GC game compatible wii work with GC games by soldering parts from his GC to the Wii; that could possibly add the connectors needed maybe?
Zero said:
Too bad VBA/VBA-M still run really badly on Power PC based CPUs (ie: Wii). Some games work fine, others get frame-skipped like there is no tomorrow.