Is portablizing as easy as eurddrue says?


He who mods in thy basement.
You have actually uncovered my super-secret project. I have, for the last month or so, been writing a guide in MS word, all in forum code, of how to make a ZN-40 N64p. When its done, I will just copy/ paste it over. I have to use my friend's camera to take the high-res pics, though, because mine is too old. Hopefully, the guide will make me some cold hard cash! :twisted:

Basement_Modder said:
You have actually uncovered my super-secret project. I have, for the last month or so, been writing a guide in MS word, all in forum code, of how to make a ZN-40 N64p. When its done, I will just copy/ paste it over. I have to use my friend's camera to take the high-res pics, though, because mine is too old. Hopefully, the guide will make me some cold hard cash! :twisted:
Nobody buy that, please. Making a portable could be one of the easiest things to do. timmeh87 once said something along the lines of : Make a portable? Why would I want to do that as my project? All it is is connecting a few things with wires, not hard enough of a project for me.

It's true, making portables is not difficult at all. Nobody will actually pay for a guide, and if they do, they really, really need a brain.

eurddrue said:
Basement_Modder said:
You have actually uncovered my super-secret project. I have, for the last month or so, been writing a guide in MS word, all in forum code, of how to make a ZN-40 N64p. When its done, I will just copy/ paste it over. I have to use my friend's camera to take the high-res pics, though, because mine is too old. Hopefully, the guide will make me some cold hard cash! :twisted:
Nobody buy that, please. Making a portable could be one of the easiest things to do. timmeh87 once said something along the lines of : Make a portable? Why would I want to do that as my project? All it is is connecting a few things with wires, not hard enough of a project for me.

It's true, making portables is not difficult at all. Nobody will actually pay for a guide, and if they do, they really, really need a brain.
true making a portable is easy for those who half a brain and no how to use a soldering iron, know exactly where to find the pinouts, knows basic electronics, know how to build good quality cases etc. but i bet that over half the people that enjoy playin n64 enough to want a portable do not have half a brain or any of these things.
plus the idea of a book is definitley not set in stone, it would be a lot easier to post up an online guide but it could be semi difficult to do in the forum format (maybe a wiki section or something)

blaze3927 said:
eurddrue said:
Basement_Modder said:
You have actually uncovered my super-secret project. I have, for the last month or so, been writing a guide in MS word, all in forum code, of how to make a ZN-40 N64p. When its done, I will just copy/ paste it over. I have to use my friend's camera to take the high-res pics, though, because mine is too old. Hopefully, the guide will make me some cold hard cash! :twisted:
Nobody buy that, please. Making a portable could be one of the easiest things to do. timmeh87 once said something along the lines of : Make a portable? Why would I want to do that as my project? All it is is connecting a few things with wires, not hard enough of a project for me.

It's true, making portables is not difficult at all. Nobody will actually pay for a guide, and if they do, they really, really need a brain.
true making a portable is easy for those who half a brain and no how to use a soldering iron, know exactly where to find the pinouts, knows basic electronics, know how to build good quality cases etc. but i bet that over half the people that enjoy playin n64 enough to want a portable do not have half a brain or any of these things.
plus the idea of a book is definitley not set in stone, it would be a lot easier to post up an online guide but it could be semi difficult to do in the forum format (maybe a wiki section or something)
I knew exactly how to wire my portable and what tools I would need on my first visit to benheck. It was in a thread by "brbhavetopee" that bacteria posted a list of tools needed. Then I printed out the stick on how to wire it, and figured out my case design by a picture by daguuy. All in roughly one half of an hour. (of course, I didn't realize my 9v battery wouldn't work )The only reason these things aren't made very often is due to the price of batteries, psone screens, and the lack of time. :roll: Give me any stupid person, besides haterz, and I'll teach them how to make a portable n64.

exactly, you'll have to tell them how to make a portable, all the information that can be written is pretty much written, but there is still no super guide available, instead of having people looking through all the forums looking for the required information that isnt in the stickies you could just redirect it all to one solid location.

I disagree. I have tried to teach almost all of my friends, and none of them understood anything, as simply as I explained it, past the "Disassemble the N64" part. :roll:

Basement_Modder said:
I disagree. I have tried to teach almost all of my friends, and none of them understood anything, as simply as I explained it, past the "Disassemble the N64" part. :roll:
That's because you have to describe everything in n00bish terms. If we made a free guide in the wiki, it might be a success, but I doubt it.

eurddrue said:
blaze3927 said:
eurddrue said:
Basement_Modder said:
You have actually uncovered my super-secret project. I have, for the last month or so, been writing a guide in MS word, all in forum code, of how to make a ZN-40 N64p. When its done, I will just copy/ paste it over. I have to use my friend's camera to take the high-res pics, though, because mine is too old. Hopefully, the guide will make me some cold hard cash! :twisted:
Nobody buy that, please. Making a portable could be one of the easiest things to do. timmeh87 once said something along the lines of : Make a portable? Why would I want to do that as my project? All it is is connecting a few things with wires, not hard enough of a project for me.

It's true, making portables is not difficult at all. Nobody will actually pay for a guide, and if they do, they really, really need a brain.
true making a portable is easy for those who half a brain and no how to use a soldering iron, know exactly where to find the pinouts, knows basic electronics, know how to build good quality cases etc. but i bet that over half the people that enjoy playin n64 enough to want a portable do not have half a brain or any of these things.
plus the idea of a book is definitley not set in stone, it would be a lot easier to post up an online guide but it could be semi difficult to do in the forum format (maybe a wiki section or something)
I knew exactly how to wire my portable and what tools I would need on my first visit to benheck. It was in a thread by "brbhavetopee" that bacteria posted a list of tools needed. Then I printed out the stick on how to wire it, and figured out my case design by a picture by daguuy. All in roughly one half of an hour. (of course, I didn't realize my 9v battery wouldn't work )The only reason these things aren't made very often is due to the price of batteries, psone screens, and the lack of time. :roll: Give me any stupid person, besides haterz, and I'll teach them how to make a portable n64.

I'm sure it is. This argument is childish. If making a N64 portable was so easy, i would have made one. heck, i dare you, put a screen, batteries, a n64, ETC. in front of some random person, and have them build a portable.

No, you haven't made one because of the price of a psone screen, n64, batteries, ECT. Making decent portables is where it starts to get difficult, but anybody can make a portable if them have control of their body parts. Also, my mom is off the list too. She calls my n64 "the gameboy." :surprised: It's not even portable yet. Imagine how confused she will be then.
Holy crap, SS, you gave me a heart attack when I saw this thread! I was like, "HOLY CRAP, I NEVER MADE THAT!!!" Then I realized it was a split topic.