Is my controller incompatible?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've been asking a lot of questions lately, but this one is too weird. My Gamecube controller, which is built in to the front of my portable, connected to a controller IC, works fine on my Wii. But, oddly, it just won't work when connected to my Gamecube. My regular, unmodified controller works fine when connected to the trimmed Gamecube, yet my working custom controller just won't. Connect 3.3v, connect ground, connect data, couldn't be simpler. It doesn't work. Is it possibly just incompatible or something? The controller IC in the front of my portable is an official one.
Any suggestions at all? This is urgent, but I can't do a thing right now because everything is connected right and it refuses to work!
Assuming your voltage lines is fine, check for any short on the data line. Did you relocated the controller transistors? If so, the transistor need to be all connected to the mobo and the data line need to be picked between them.
I checked the datalines for shorts, and there were none, and I didn't relocate the controller transistors but I doubt they're the problem anyway. The controller works on my Wii, and my Gamecube works with a different controller, but this specific controller won't work on this Gamecube. It doesn't make any sense to me.
Guys, I'm still having the same problem. It's really weird. New motherboard, cut the same, and it still doesn't work! One functioning controller works while the other functioning controller doesn't.
Did you trim your controller board at all? I had several issues while modding my controller and cutting it smaller. I just had to review everything and all of my connections to make sure it's all correct, and compare my work to another controller. Often I would find missing traces that should be connected to ground, grounds that should be connected together, wires that are not configured properly, etc.
Well, never mind, I just fixed it. The reason it didn't work is because there was no 3.3v connected to the data line on my trimmed controller board. That's why it worked on the Wii, because the Wii supplied that 3.3v on the dataline, but my trimmed Gamecube mobo didn't (it got cut off). That's also why the unmodded controller worked on my trimmed mobo, because it did have 3.3v on the dataline from a resistor inside that got cut off on my trimmed controller. I'd forgotten about needing 3.3v on the datalines at all...