Interest Test: DC Laptop, SNESp, GENp, and PS2 Laptop.


Frequent Poster
So I am making:
1. A Dreamcast Laptop.
2. A SNESp.
3. A GENp.
4. A PS2 Laptop

None of them are completed yet, but I am deff making them.

I am making this thread to see if anyone would be interested in one of these.
I have a Worklog for my DC Lappy but nothing else:

Features of Each one:
Dreamcast Laptop:
14" LCD VGA Screen
9000mAh Li-Po Battery
S-Video and A/V Out
Switch to switch between Built-In Screen and Composite/S-Vid out
Built in Keyboard
Keyboard will lift up to reveal Disk Drive.
Built in Modem
4 Controller Ports
Switch to switch between Keyboard and 4th Controller Port

FC-Twin Hardware
5" PSone Screen
JB-55 Case from Polycase
5000mAh Li-Po Battery

Model 2 Genesis
4" LCD Screen
Original Genesis Case
5000mAh Battery

PS2 Laptop
PS2 Slim
10"-15" LCD Screen (Not Sure Yet)
8000mAh Li-Po Battery
Pelican-Like Case

I was thinking maybe these Prices:

DC Lappy: $900-1800
SNESp: $200-$400
GENp: $200-$300
PS2 Lappy: $500-900

What do you think?
If you are interested, Post Here and Tell Me.
If you think my Prices are too Low/High, Post Here and Tell me.
Agreed. And don't tell us how much work is worth and parts and stuff. Things are only worth what people are willing to pay for them.
Is there really that much interest for a DC laptop?
I'm going based on what people have told me it was worth.
I know I probably won't get that much.

I was expecting maybe $600-900
I'd pay $1500 for a decent Xbox 360 laptop, but probably not a Dreamcast laptop. I'd pay $500 at the most for the DC Laptop.
J.D said:
I'd pay $1500 for a decent Xbox 360 laptop, but probably not a Dreamcast laptop. I'd pay $500 at the most for the DC Laptop.
wow. you are a cheap mofo. 500$ is what an SS commision n64p costs. 500$ for a dc lappy, especially one as epic as this is (hopefully) going to be, is stunningly low. i would expect it to easily sell for upwards of 2000$, if it turns out well. :wink:
samjc3 said:
J.D said:
I'd pay $1500 for a decent Xbox 360 laptop, but probably not a Dreamcast laptop. I'd pay $500 at the most for the DC Laptop.
wow. you are a cheap mofo. 500$ is what an SS commision n64p costs. 500$ for a dc lappy, especially one as epic as this is (hopefully) going to be, is stunningly low. i would expect it to easily sell for upwards of 2000$, if it turns out well. :wink:

Expect it to turn out well.

CNC'd Case, 14" Screen, Keyboard, A/V Out, S-Vid Out, And Sexy Too! :awesome:
Yea I'd say if it has a 14" screen , built in keyboard, cnc'd case, etc , then $1000 and up is a fair price.
as long as it is a modchip-able Fat PS2, I might be a little interested,as long as I manage to get a job by then.
MAN, selling a portable for 500 dollaz iz madnez! To cheap.

Here in Norway the USD dollar has a very low value now and selling a portable for 500$ is something you would loose money on.

Ive spent over 500 on my unfinished GCp.