In light of some recent incidents


Frequent Poster
To correct this issue: Tchay is pronounced *chay* NOT *T-Chay*

THE "T" IS SILENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gonk:

no joke, a casting director called me up the other day for this part in this film. He said "T-chay" referring to my email which has Tchay in it. UGHHHH I corrected him but he was all confused about it.

- end rant -
So just leave the "T" out of your name, it has no good reason to be there.

I know how you feel though, my name is "Sean" and is said "Shawn" but people always call me "SEEN"... :neutral2:
Did you have the job already? If not, never correct your director. Don't correct him ever, in fact. :lol:
epicelite said:
So just leave the "T" out of your name, it has no good reason to be there.

I know how you feel though, my name is "Sean" and is said "Shawn" but people always call me "SEEN"... :neutral2:

You are not alone, my friend.