Important Announcement, everyone!


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Tomorrow, a girl will be on our chatroom. It is DJ711's girlfriend, and they are doing some sort of kinky "switch places for a day" thing, so she is going to chill in the chatroom for a while.

DJ711 is on standby orders to inform me when she will be logged on. We should all log on at the same time if we can so as to give her a warm welcome.

Also, make sure to inform her that DJ is currently having an affair with a 47 year old circus tent repairman. He is missing his left leg, but DJ ensures us that his third leg is plenty big enough to make up for it.
I wasn't being serious abou the thread thing....

There's nothing kinky about it! At least I don't think so!
Funny that we must organize the entire forums to welcome a girl. This should be interesting to watch.
What time? I'm sure she won't be on all day, and not even the most enthusiastic, girl-deprived guy would stay on all day waiting for her.