I'm working on something.


Frequent Poster
If you can guess what it is at this stage and I haven't already told you, have a cookie.

Once completed, this project will benefit many portablizers.

You're making a CNC machine, based off a guide you found on the internet.

Good luck, don't *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up, and enjoy it.
They're pretty cool little Playstations.

Oh, and snowpenguin, *Can'tSayThisOnTV* portablizers.
Portables suck.
99% are complete and total flax and should burn.
*Can'tSayThisOnTV* portables, and *Can'tSayThisOnTV* you for wasting your capabilities, limited as they may be, on them.
When this thing is done, make a decent portable with it, or I'll come to your house, kill you, *Can'tSayThisOnTV* your sister, and take it.
Dang, jlee, you weren't supposed to show up! It's too easy for you to guess right!

And I will use it for whatever I want to use it for, and offer it up for whatever people want to make with it.

It will be cheap, with minimal profit, to combat the high prices of CNC around.

Working area should be around 12" x 10", with z currently undetermined but probably around 5-6".
You have a 3 axis gantry with an arm overhead.
That's a lot of things!

You could make it into a really dead simple (and flaxty) laser cutter.
A Pen Plotter.
You could make a volumetric printer.
Or a fused deposition modeler.

They're all very similar things, and if you know what you're doing (you don't <3) you could adapt your gantry system to do so many things!
Well if you're talking about mostly different cutting heads, that shouldn't be too difficult.

The z axis is connected through that floor flange, and the dremel will have a clamping mechanism that could be taken off to put something else in instead, or the whole assembly could be replaced with just 4 screws.
I need to find some 1/4" plastic for the stages.

The plex at the hardware store was $7.50 a square foot, no thanks. They used to have scraps for cheap, but not anymore.
Don't use *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing plexiglass.
flax breaks too easy.
I hate it.

ABS and PVC are both perfect for this sort of thing.
OR, if you can muster it, Lexan.
Cept none of this is available locally.


I have some 1/8" sintra, but I have my doubts about its strength when gluing sheets together.
I knew it was a CNC machine, I've seen so many DIY ones.
You better do this right.
Well, I made the first stage, tried to put it on, realized the bottom rails are ever so slightly unparallel, creating a slight problem.

Either I will try to make a spring system for the bearing, or I will have to replace the bottom rail.
I've concluded that snowpenguin is very bad at everything.

When this thing is finished, I do actually expect it to work.
I do not expect it to work as well as it should.
jleemero said:
*Can'tSayThisOnTV* portablizers.
Portables suck.
99% are complete and total flax and should burn.
*Can'tSayThisOnTV* portables, and *Can'tSayThisOnTV* you for wasting your capabilities, limited as they may be, on them.