I'm in ur hotelz...

I will post the thread during our "best threads" celebration this June, to commemorate the launch of MR.
PalmerTech said:
Tchay said:
ShockSlayer said:
PalmerTech said:
That is excellent! Ahh, what I would do for one of those GC style N64 controllers...

I know what you would do, you would make a shank out of a sprite can you found in the hotel's trash can and use it to take apart the hotel's TV to remove all the important things inside.


:eek: ........(glances around nervously)

lol, you missed the reference, you signed up here too late. :p I may or may have not made a shank out of a Sprite can on an airplane this summer, and used it to cut the tethers for the keyboard/gamepad/phone/creditcard scanner/screen pad on the airplane. ;)

He just put them in a cardboard box in in front of his closet and let 'em rot.

(Or perhaps he's moved them since July)
PalmerTech said:
I will post the thread during our "best threads" celebration this June, to commemorate the launch of MR.
Holy flax! It seems like just yesterday I signed up. :cry:
I just thought of something awesome!

The lodgenet N64 systems had a small computer attached to the cart slot that acted as a game selector/ emulator. Who's to say the lodgenet GCN systems don't have a game loader attached where the disk drive's supposed to be? If someone stole borrowed one of the systems, they could potentally use it to make a really small GCp, and maybe even figure out how to load ISO files onto the DD emulator.

Not "small". It would be larger than a GC mobo, and eat an absurd amount of power.

Just get a Wii, cut it down, and use that.

theres an N64 one. now imagine the GC one lol
It's probably a Rev. 9, though. Those suck ass.

When the hotels sell these all, it'd be a great way to get cheap expansion packs. That's one per hotel room per 1000's of hotels.