I'm entering the race: SonyQrios µGC Worklog

Bad case pics from my iPony:



Lots of interesting stuff in that pic. ^^^

It begins... again!

PAL board cut. The rest is self-explanatory.
Those pics were posted on three special events, 1:MLK day. 2: National nothing day (The day when nothing is supposed to be celebrated) and 3:Mah birfday! Nice progress!
Okay, so for my shoulder buttons I plan to use extended tactile switches. They are clicky. However, I'd like to take a more squishy approach. Any ideas?

Any comfortable shoulder buttons that can be easily installed that anyone knows of?
I like the way original shoulder button pads from controllers work. All you need is the pad and the carbon centered membrane.
bud said:
I like the way original shoulder button pads from controllers work. All you need is the pad and the carbon centered membrane.

Well yes, but what would go on the outside of the case?
Good, I didn't think you were that dense. :P

Gameboy buttons are pretty small, nes and snes would work too. Take a look through all of the buttons you have, I'm sure you've got some that are small and low profile.
bud said:
Good, I didn't think you were that dense.

that? Oh bud, I love you too.

Anyway, I could use a button from a controller. But, I was wondering if you knew of any slimmer, slicker rat-shack like buttons. A smaller, sleeker version of what I used on the Obj-64.