I'm entering the race: SonyQrios µGC Worklog

You'd maybe have to rewire the aram chip. Which would be a pain in the ass, but it is doable. I'll take some measurements tomorrow.
That's funny as my smallest gamecube design is almost the exact same size as that case. You can fit a gamecube mobo in there without relocating the aram though. It's possible. You just need to trim it a bit more and make sure it still works after :P

Anybody going to give it a try???? Would like to see the comparison between this and my own design.

Anyway how's your portable going??
That L soft case is TOTALLY doable.

You don't even have to trim that close to the RAM chips or the Gecko, which is nice.

My mobo is about 2.9" right now and I left space to solder the component chip too, so I don't think it would be that difficult. Maybe I'll add it to my Todo list.
Yup, Confirmed. Right now the board in my Fusion Micro Rev. 2 is exactly 2.7230" x 4.1255" and I didn't even cut as close as possible. Like I said also, if you wanted to be totally insane and rewire the ARAM chip and the IPL MX chip on the other side of the board you could probably get the width of the board down to 2.3"ish.

There is no try, only do, or do not. Never doubt that my young padewan.
lulz, should there be a smallest gamecube portable with external batteries and a smallest gamecube portable with internal batteries?
Yup, that's how it goes; external packs aren't bad but internal packs mean a Heck of a lot more. Plus they sell WAAAAY better.

Well, Ashen's Fusion Micro for batteryless, and...I don't know the last one that had internal batteries, the CCube maybe? I don't remember.

Qrio, get good batteries. You can have the smallest Gamecube with internal batts that last more than an hour
I doubt you can have the smallest GCp with batteries that lasts longer than an hour.
Well that's really motivating, nukear. Thanks for the support.

Anyway, as for fitting a GC into a L SoftCase: NO HUH-UH NO WAY

nukear said:
I doubt you can have the smallest GCp with batteries that lasts longer than an hour.
You can. It's not even remotely hard, if I had all my parts here I could do it right now. What you are saying is basically what the XGC is.

You can speculate at what's possible until you're blue in the face, but the fact remains that it's all about the effort. Any of you nubs can ask any seasoned professional whose been here for awhile(couple years or so) and they'll tell you, anything is possible and there's no limit. Everything can be made smaller.


I come from the days where I was the first to manage to fit an N64p into a ZN-45, and putting a GC into one was unheard of. I'll let you know when something's actually impossible.
