I'm entering the race: SonyQrios µGC Worklog

Thank you, nuke. 1.3. My bad.

And yeah, it's still going to be mighty small. No batts though: UNLESS someone can find two cylindrical cells the size of AA batteries that can pack 1500 mah at 3.7v each. Then, there will be batteries.
SonyQrio said:
Thank you, nuke. 1.3. My bad.

And yeah, it's still going to be mighty small. No batts though: UNLESS someone can find two cylindrical cells the size of AA batteries that can pack 1500 mah at 3.7v each. Then, there will be batteries.

Remember back when I presented the Ccube, which had no batteries, and it was considered small? :lol:

:P :P :P

look how far we have come as a community. Pat on the back, guys.
Tchay said:
Remember back when I presented the Ccube, which had no batteries, and it was considered small? :lol:

:P :P :P

look how far we have come as a community. Pat on the back, guys.
I honestly remember looking at that thing when I began portablizing and thinking to myself "How the heck did he get it so small!"

And this is how far the GameCube has come... Good times guys.

Thanks for everything.
Dat portable.



My 3.3v reg died. It goes high 0.8v then 0.0v in one second, and then repeats over and over again. I didn't even touch my cube! :wtf:

Do I really have to tear it out of it's hot glue tomb and replace it?!

Also, could that voltage fluctuation hurt my board?
I'm not terribly sure, but I'd say it wouldn't be good for it. You may be able to get a fairly voltage out of that if you make an LR filter circuit on the output. Though it would likely be fairly stable below 3.3V.
There are some ones there that are made by other brands. Like ME!. I would say go for it ether way because even if they are crap, 1/2 hour batteries are better then no batteries.
My dad has those batteries. The bp 911 camcorder batteries are about the same size and are better
So this weird thing is happening with my WiiKey. When I turn the cube on and go to the disk menu, it displays a message saying "The disk could not be read." instead of the usual flashing "Insert disk." message. When I press the normally closed switch from pin 29 to ground, it says "Reading disk..." and then pops back to the "The disk could not be read." message. When I take my SD card out, the cube encounters the "An error has occurred." message.

It's weird. I haven't touched it in a while and I come back to this. Any ideas?
With error messages and problems with the WiiKey after it has been working, it ALWAYS will be a wiring problem.

Either a wire broke loose or a wire is touching. Or if you cut the board, then an edge needs re-sanding because something is bridged.