Red doesn't bother me for some reason, but since they're so big you could do somthing nice and have it smaller, i don't know maybe start button on your tall tacts, or wii A button, sanded out to be blurry.. Very nice work however
Everything looks great! Also, did you think of a solution for triggers yet? I'm just doing the two tacts on top of each other, but I'm not sure you'll have room, depending on how you mount them. Just please don't use the radio shack buttons. I have one for my Z button and you need to press down a bit to trigger it.
Pretty much sums it up. The white stuff is dust. I'll be makin a few modifications before I close up the case. It's turning out better than I expected.
Oh I see, thats only one case half. I thought there were two, my bad. That will be mighty small if you pull it off! But I'm guessing no batteries will be inside??