Ideas I Have for Modretro

The Question said:
I have several crappy ideas for modretro, some of which may seem stupid, but I just have to post them, as they may be good crappy ideas.

1. Have modretro game development studios.

Most of us here are in school of some form, some of us in college (like myself.) We don't have the time for this kind of commitment and still devote time towards what this board is about, which is modding, in any form. Programming really isn't modding.

2. Design a game system based on computer hardware.

No. Just... no. I assume by "computer hardware" you mean PC hardware, as any kind of gaming system consists of "computer" hardware. Build a MAME cabinet using a good dual-core machine (Heck, go nuts and build a quad-core MAME machine) and have your PC-oriented game system. You'd get mad props and satisfy this suggestion all by yourself.

3. Since this is a site full of people who know electronics, couldnt the more experienced of us try to create our own clone systems? By doing this, we could try to eliminate the compatibility issues with console clones.

Oh Heck no. It takes a VERY specialized workshop to attempt something like this, on top of months of reverse engineering work, development, access to PCB manufacturing processes (not cheap,) and the expertise required is possessed by only two people I'm particularly aware of, and only of those people is a member of this board.

4. Like #2, this is to develop a game system, but this one handheld. This one is just because it is a cool idea to me, and it seemed to make sense to the goal of this site, which is (sometimes) to make portables.

Again, the development is really beyond the organizational possibilities of this community at present.

5. We should release a book of all the information that we have gained on Modretro, for easier access when not online, and making it so that we do not have to slog through the forums to find what we want.[/quote]

Rip-off of Benheck, something we strive against doing.

Fix'd and responded.
How is it a Benheck clone?

Don't reinvent the wheel, just improve it! :awesome:
I like #1 and #5, but less extreme.

#1: Maybe not a real game studios, but at least another forum and maybe a group project.
#5: A big PDF or eBook or something similar, but not a real book.
now guys, last time i checked, we cant even maintain a wiki, and you want to develop game systems and games? not happening. feel free to try though. who knows, you could succeed, which would be :awesome:

also, wanna show off computer hacks or rom hacks?
[url]we happen to havea computer section...[/url]
Tsk Tsk, Jlee.

You forget that I fluently know AfroCode Programming Language.

It's what was used to program Super MariFro Brothers, ya know? :D
AfroLH said:
You forget that I fluently know AfroCode Programming Language.
I'm well aware, but keep in mind that AfroCode has virtually no portability.

Currently there is only one known AfroCode Compiler, and it generates Fro86 Binaries, for the AFR OT/2 System.

Far from practical.
No portability?

You forget I carry the only known AFR OT/2 Portable Edition on my Head. :D
The Question said:
I have several ideas for modretro, some of which may seem stupid, but I just have to post them, as they may be good ideas.

1. Have modretro game development studios. I suggest this because I know that several of us either have programming skills or want them. Also, we can bring what was great on the old games to current times. Sounds... Interesting, but unless you mean a flash development team, it's not gonna happen.

2. Design a game system based on computer hardware. Yes, that is basically how the xbox was formed, but I think we should do this anyways, in the hopes that it is good enough to enter the console wars. Yeah, there's no way we're going to be able to make a new game system, sell it to the public, get games on it, etc.

3. Since this is a site full of people who know electronics, couldnt the more experienced of us try to create our own clone systems? By doing this, we could try to eliminate the compatibility issues with console clones. Sounds like a great idea. There are at least a few people on here who could team up with the more experienced of them BH members to make this and mass-produce it. (Well, not mass-produce, but at least produce it much faster than regular portables)

4. Like #2, this is to develop a game system, but this one handheld. This one is just because it is a cool idea to me, and it seemed to make sense to the goal of this site, which is (sometimes) to make portables. See my response to #2

5. We should release a book of all the information that we have gained on Modretro, for easier access when not online, and making it so that we do not have to slog through the forums to find what we want. This is a great idea, considering Ben's book is far outdated and plenty of the information is just incorrect, so we should start from scratch so a new modder can pick it up and not have any incorrect information.. We should definitely include info about Polycase and how to make your own, unique case, and we should cover most systems (NES, SNES, N64, PSone, Genesis, Dreamcast, Atari) We should also include sections for clones, like Retro Duo and NOACs and stuff, so people aren't stuck with one specific console to work with and they can be a little more flexible in what they want to buy or make. We should list and describe the different options, like making a new controller, rewiring an old one, rewiring the cart slot, etc. You know, ways to let the people customize it much more than Ben's book does. It is their portable, after all. Another awesome thing to include would be how to make WVIs, since those are much less complex. But IF we do this, it's not likely to get published soon.
AfroLH said:
No portability?

Portability refers to a programming language's usability on multiple platforms. :facepalm:
C is extremely portable, there are C compilers for *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING EVERYTHING.
jleemero said:
AfroLH said:
No portability?

Portability refers to a programming language's usability on multiple platforms. :facepalm:
C is extremely portable, there are C compilers for *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING EVERYTHING.


Fail on my part, then lol
plover, if we were somehow to get organized enough o make that book, how would we keep it up to date? it would just end up outdated like the last one. unless we kept doing new editions, which would take even more stick-together-ness, it would end up just like bens book. plus, nowadays, people hear about us from endgadget and stuff, not bens book. Heck, most people dont even have the book. i didnt till i got it free fom epayrob when i bought his psonep wip. and, i only use it for the pinouts. it makes much more sense just to have good info compiled in the stickies. theres not enough organization or need for such a book. plus, just loook at the wiki. look at the review site. i mean, Heck, look at everything on the site except the forums and the chat. ;)

@ afor/jlee
how about making a universal compiler for afrocode? i mean, its such a powerful coding language, theres a huge market for it, if we can get it to the point where average people can use it. :awesome:
samjc3 said:
@ afor/jlee
how about making a universal compiler for afrocode? i mean, its such a powerful coding language, theres a huge market for it, if we can get it to the point where average people can use it. :awesome:
Physically (and Metaphysically) impossible.
The average human cannot interpret with the Mnemonics involved in the use of AfroCode.

AfroLH, having an Afro, has a natural tendency toward it's use.
I myself, through extensive programming experience, and my Jewishness (which holds deep-seated afro tendencies, barely recognizable today), have developed the ability to use AfroCode to a small extent. Even still, I struggle.
samjc3 said:
plover, if we were somehow to get organized enough o make that book, how would we keep it up to date?
We wouldn't. We would just say something at the front like: "The things in the book are modern as of 2010, but all methods are subject to change. For the best way to keep up-to-date, visit" or something.
jleemero said:
samjc3 said:
@ afor/jlee
how about making a universal compiler for afrocode? i mean, its such a powerful coding language, theres a huge market for it, if we can get it to the point where average people can use it. :awesome:
Physically (and Metaphysically) impossible.
The average human cannot interpret with the Mnemonics involved in the use of AfroCode.

AfroLH, having an Afro, has a natural tendency toward it's use.
I myself, through extensive programming experience, and my Jewishness (which holds deep-seated afro tendencies, barely recognizable today), have developed the ability to use AfroCode to a small extent. Even still, I struggle.
oh! now i get it! hmm. guess it will be a nanny state. afro makes all the code and holds everyone to his will! (excluding us, of course!) :awesome:
pLover said:
samjc3 said:
plover, if we were somehow to get organized enough o make that book, how would we keep it up to date?
We wouldn't. We would just say something at the front like: "The things in the book are modern as of 2010, but all methods are subject to change. For the best way to keep up-to-date, visit" or something.
Yeah, but then if anything ever happened to the forum, then what? What if we decided to change the domain name? Or what if we are all exploded by the sheer :awesome: ness of this forum?

Wow I'm thirsty. :awesomethursty:
The Question said:
4. Like #2, this is to develop a game system, but this one handheld. This one is just because it is a cool idea to me, and it seemed to make sense to the goal of this site, which is (sometimes) to make portables.
Leave Jleemero's and my pipe dream alone.
Wow. I had no clue that this would get this many responses. Also, I do agree that some of these are bad, and some are just to difficult(or organized). I just posted these when I got them, but I did avoid the seven or eight really dumb ones (like a modretro magazine).
The Question said:
I have several ideas for modretro, some of which may seem stupid, but I just have to post them, as they may be good ideas.

1. Have modretro game development studios. I suggest this because I know that several of us either have programming skills or want them. Also, we can bring what was great on the old games to current times.
No. Others have explained.

2. Design a game system based on computer hardware. Yes, that is basically how the xbox was formed, but I think we should do this anyways, in the hopes that it is good enough to enter the console wars.
Has been done, always fails, is pointless. =gaming PC

3. Since this is a site full of people who know electronics, couldnt the more experienced of us try to create our own clone systems? By doing this, we could try to eliminate the compatibility issues with console clones.
I have a small gig at Hyperkin now, the makers of the FC Twin, FC Mobile, etc. I am just working on hardware issues like controls though, improving compatibility is very hard, and the main reason it has not been done is the enormous cost.

4. Like #2, this is to develop a game system, but this one handheld. This one is just because it is a cool idea to me, and it seemed to make sense to the goal of this site, which is (sometimes) to make portables.
The whole fun of our hobby is that each one is different, and other reasons explained by others.

5. We should release a book of all the information that we have gained on Modretro, for easier access when not online, and making it so that we do not have to slog through the forums to find what we want.
This could happen someday far in the future, maybe.
Like I said, after I entered that in, I realized that some were to difficult, expensive, pointless, or stupid. That's why I didnt post more of them later.