I_P's worklog

hahaha it's enough wires trust me. yeah i'm going to, a few of them kept falling off and i kept soldering them back down so maybe they're just not on there good enough.

and @joey what do you mean by i might have a few shorts?
By shorts he means either some of your wires are not making good connections, or that some wires are touching and shorting out.
Hey most of your pics are MIA, but anyways, I too had trouble with relocating. I can solder fine, but I had problems with joints breaking and bridging connections when working with the cart slot. My advice for you is to get someone else to do it- some people would probably do it for free as long as you paid shipping both ways; or, if you are insistent on doing it yourself, invest in a hot glue gun if you don't already have one. Solder each connection one by one, and make sure it's strong and connected. after you're sure of that, put some hot glue on the pin to reinforce it. I do that for nearly every connection I solder, and it helps to eliminate problems. Keep in mind that this is a hard, long process, so take it slow- trust me, I rushed on my first try and screwed the thing up horribly. Good luck!
yeah I know most of the pictures are gone haha I made a new account just for pictures for my worklog buti haven't fixed the links yet, I will later tonight. and pretty sure some of my wires are touching so that's probably the problem. thanks for the idea about the hot glue! I'll give that a shot. I have finals starting tomorrow and I'm probably going to be busy this weekend so I'll get aroundto doing this sometime next week when I'm finally outta school! see you all thennnn
Sounds awesome! I may give this another shot when i finish my Nintendex. Keep us posted
hello there good people of modretro, i'm back after quite some time.

i fried yet another board doing my cart relocation, so i'm picking one of two roads because i'm frustrated with this:

1) don't relocate, just have the cartridge coming out the back and go on to everything else
2) buy an n64 with the cartridge slot already relocated

i'm leaning towards the latter of the two, but how/where would i buy this?
Comission someone to do it. Basement_modder and ShockSlayer are doing commissions I think. PM them or start a thread in the junkyard about commissioning someone.
toast relocated the cart slot for me and took all this other stuff off, here it is:


now i started working on the case and got a hole cut for the cartridge to fit in. once everything is done i'll hot glue it in place there:


here it is with a cartridge in:


and here is what the cartridge will look like from the front once everything is done:


not as far in as i would have liked it, but that's alright i guess. nothing's perfect.

NOW, the board no longer has the controller ports on them 'cause toast took them off (which is fine i'm not upset or anything haha), meaning there are four big holes in the front of the n64 case now. I was thinking maybe i could get four big buttons that would fit in there and wire the volume up/down and screen contrast up/down to them. what do ya guys think of that idea?
That depends, were you not wanting to be able to use this as your standard 4-player n64 console? You could always solder the controller ports back on. That's what I would do, but I'm not entirely familiar with your vision for this one.

Looks great so far, though!
thanks machjas!

and to be honest i'm not sure. i know a lot of times people do it so you can have multiple people play off of it via controllers, but in all honesty i'm never going to be using this with someone else probably. i dunno. i need to mull over this for a little longer