I_P's worklog

Basement_Modder said:
How the Heck would you get it out, pliers?

You have to sand the sides of the DC in slot a bunch to get an N64 cart to go in at all. If you jammed it that far in, good luck.

Also, the X64 had the cart on the back, not sticking out the top.

yes i know i'd have to make the slot wider, and i said xs64, not the x64.
XCVG and Basement_Modder have very similar avatars. It's easy to mix them up if you aren't paying attention.

I guess they are sorta similar. If you just take a glance you might get them mixed up. But if you actually look at it, no.
ToastBucket said:
XCVG, your "chip" in your avatar looks like a pic of a ZN-45 that you put pins on.....and reduced quality
It is
Can we quit spamming I_P's thread now? I'm sure he would appreciate it.
budnespid said:
ToastBucket said:
XCVG, your "chip" in your avatar looks like a pic of a ZN-45 that you put pins on.....and reduced quality
It is
Can we quit spamming I_P's thread now? I'm sure he would appreciate it.

haha yeah i was just about to say, thread jack much?

no progress to report at the moment but lets keep all that nonsense talk about avatars off my thread if it's not too much trouble... :dah:
alllllrighty well i'm about to (finally) start my cart relocation! first though i just want to clear up a couple things:

1.) in that video from the megasticky that shows a timelapse of doing it , all the pins are bent inwards. should i do that first or does it not matter?

2.) Do i put the solder on the holes where the pins would normally go in?

i've never soldered before so i don't wanna *Can'tSayThisOnTV* anything up haha. but as soon as i get those questions answered i'm gonna start so answers asap would be nice :D
Don't need to bend them if you don't want.

You solder to the solder pads adjacent to the holes.
I couldn't get my soldering iron to tin, so I put it off for a year until someone told me to get a 25W iron.