I need some info. (rev 9)

SS, would you relocate it for me? How much..

EDIT: If I desoldered it, would it matter which side i desolder? for example, desolder the cart slot, turn it around, solder it back, or desolder the wires on the board, turn around, solder it back?
Just desolder all the wires from the board. Turn the cart slot over and solder the wires to the right place. Not that difficult.
No. it could also mean a fuse is blown or the brick is sleeping or the LED is burnt out from overvolting.

Just think how many perfectly good N64's have been tossed out because their LED's didn't light up.
Basement_Modder said:
No. it could also mean a fuse is blown or the brick is sleeping or the LED is burnt out from overvolting.

Just think how many perfectly good N64's have been tossed out because their LED's didn't light up.

Brick is sleeping? What does that mean. If you don't fix it, will it still cost money?
Just unplug if from the n64 ad wall power for about 30-45 seconds then plug it back in. That resets it.