I need a suggestion/help on a concealable electrical weapon

Palmer, do you still have those two DVD burner lasers I sold you? Did you ever do anything with them?
Look far, far back into your PMs. They turned out to be funky 16 pin diodes that I could not get working. :awesome: Still useful, though, they had nice lil IR filter blocks on them.
No, I though you said only one of them was funky. :? I'll go check.

EDIT: Yep, here it is: :P
PalmerTech said:
Okay, status update after testing:

Turns out that the funky flat one I liked so much has 12 pins, and needs a feedback photodiode and other stuff to work right, assuming I could find a datasheet. :(

The other two worked fine, one of them is dead because I had the audacity to try and run it without a heatsink. :roll: Now, it is like a super overpriced LED! :lol:

The other red is in a heatsink with focus module, lense, threads, all that good stuff. It is running fine, just needs a power source.
Hoorah! :awesome:

I would have sent you that third laser, but I realized you refused to send me that DS flashcart I won in your contest forever ago. Therefore, we are even. :)
I did not refuse, persay... I just persuaded. ;)

I still owe XCVG his prize, ima send it out someday. :awesome:
Palmer, when you make yours, be sure to make a video and maybe I might ask you to build me one.

How's the rain?
Rain is stopped, storm is still in swing. About 20 yards of sand between me and the ocean, and the bulldozers are working full time moving sand from farther down the beach to where it is eroding.

I might just sell you mine if you like it. ;)
*I did the title change yay me*

Also, I need a small electrical device to pwn attacka-noobs with, so lemme know when you figure something out that's cheap.

If I could make a small concealable stun gun that could pack a puch, that would be awesome.
Kyo said:
...I... I think I have to build a tazer now. Is that legal in germany?
No offense, Kyo. But is anything legal in Germany? Y'know besides prosititution?
Your comment about my country not allowing a lot of fun things has deeply offended me! I demand an apology.

But yeah, we don't even have freedom of speech here.
Kyo said:
Your comment about my country not allowing a lot of fun things has deeply offended me! I demand an apology.

But yeah, we don't even have freedom of speech here.
Can't you go to jailz for saying "the Holocaust didn't happen"
Yeah, denying the holocaust and even just displaying a swastika, regardless of your reasons and intent. This may all not seem so bad until you try to host a site with user-generated content in germany. My webspace is in the US.
Kyo said:
Yeah, denying the holocaust and even just displaying a swastika, regardless of your reasons and intent. This may all not seem so bad until you try to host a site with user-generated content in germany. My webspace is in the US.

So if you're ANTI-Nazi, and display a swastika even if you like want to burn it, you'll get arrested? Also, that effects games too, right?

Although apparently in the US it's a federal offence to desecrate or even just mistreat their flag.