I need a new soldering iron :(


He who mods in thy basement.
My weller WLC100 station died suddenly last night. When I turn it up all the way (40 watts) it barely gets hot enough to burn my hand, much less melt solder. My other irons are an $8 radioshack basic 25 watt and some really old crappy one I can't find. The ratshack one is total flax, and I need a new iron. I think I may buy another WLC100, as it was great for the last 3 years.

This is my old station (stock photo)

are there any better stations for the money? This goes for $40-$50, but I would like it to be like $30 for now as I have no money.

Help me. D:
Not a station, but I use a Weller WP25 iron. It's well-built and temperature controlled to boot. The only problem is that it's not very powerful, so certain things are hard to do with it.
I've never had any problems with a little Weller 15 watt soldering iron, an uber cheap hardware shop 30 watt soldering iron and a behemoth pipe soldering iron, one for every job there :). if you really want an adjustable one, there are some great instructables on using a dimmer switch to make an adjustable soldering iron.
Hey muchalucha, is that your plane in the avatar? Looks pretty sweet! I don't know much about RC; is that maybe a combat wing or slope glider?
XCVG said:
Hey muchalucha, is that your plane in the avatar? Looks pretty sweet! I don't know much about RC; is that maybe a combat wing or slope glider?

There is a PM button for a reason...

On a more related note, can I haz the WLC100? I bet I can fix it! ::3: