I need a cheap mp3 player.


Crazy Train
Ok, so I am finally getting to work on the mp8, but I need a cheap mp3 player. I do not want anything with an lcd screen. Only one with a small rectungular monochrome screen. I do not really care if it has internal batteries or not, but it would be nice. Also, I am wanting it to be around 1-2 gb, but I would not mind a bit lower than 1 gb.

I am either looking to buy or trade. I have a green gbc with a flaky power switch that I could trade for an mp3 player.

EDIT: turns out it does not have a bad switch. It's just that the battery springs are bent a crtain way so that if the gbc gets jarred while playing, it will turn off then turn back on. No big problem if you are going to replace it with a psp battery or the likes.
huh? what do you mean by "I have a deal for 13$ shipped to canada, wanna beat it?"

as in you are selling it to somebody else?
No, I mean, you asked me how much I was willing to pay for SMW, so I said, I see one on Ebay for 13$ shipped.

Will you give me a better price?
oh, I meant how much do you want for the mp3 player. I would never sell smw. It holds too much sentimental value for me.
IDK, its kinda flaxty. Your gonna rip it apart right?

Tell you what, I live in canada, soooo, Shipping is gonna be bad. How about I give it to you, if you pay shipping, and owe me a favor, K?