I need 3 low batt indicators


Frequent Poster
Who can build me 3 tiny low batt indicators. Daftmike made really small ones at a great price, but he hasn't read my PM yet, and I'm on a bit of a time crunch.

I need 3 of them. I need them to have a green LED and then a RED led to turn on at 10 minutes before batt depletion. If you want to throw a pot on there, I can calibrate it.

Need them asap.
Do you still have those transistors I sent you? I think I might've sent you extra, you could do 3 of daftmike's mk1 indicators. It's not as pretty of a transition as the mk2 from what I can tell, but it'll get the job done, and it's not hard to build. You might be able to find more from radioshack as well; they're BC547 transistors. I think you can also use some other one, might be mentioned in the thread.

I did the mk2, so just imagine this but with only one transistor and 3 resistors:

Should be small enough to fit into just about anything. If you're looking for something as tiny as the ones in daftmikes FS thread, I'd say you're out of luck if you're really on a time crunch.

Also, wrong section.

Oh, I see. I saw this when it was still in the junkyard and figured SS must have moved it. Colored name just equals mod/admin in my head.
I probably won't make a habbit of it. If it really bothers anyone I can delete one of them.
I've never understood the point of the green LED. I mean, do you really need that to tell you the system is turned on? All its really doing is draining your batteries quicker, yes its a low mah draw, but every little bit counts no?

Anyway, you can get all the parts to build like 10+ of Mario's low battery indicator circuit on Tayda Electronics for like $12 shipped or something. Its the same Dang thing as Daftmikes design, but without the green LED.