I donated $10 to the Kickass Mall Cop


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I donated $10 to this guy. He's a mall cop who keeps out drug dealers and low-IQ mothers. I watched all 3 vids of him defending his mall :P

It could be argued that he "provokes" some of the instigators, but I think its justifiable considering the circumstances. I was very impressed with how well he handled himself despite being surrounded at times. I'm never ganna complain about my day job again.

I love supporting individuals like this who are trying to make the world a better place even when they are so clearly outnumbered and alone at times. I mean, thats just inspirational.

On a much sadder note, look at the way the kids act in the video about the mother. How they copy their mothers' behavior. That, is one of the saddest things I've ever seen.
of all three videos I have seen, the people that have been put in their place deserved it, but this mall cop is half the problem; he is the one baiting the fights.

That mom has no right to have children, and she deserved every volt of that tazering; but it might not of needed to happen if he stopped taunting them after they were out the door.