

Frequent Poster
Well, hello there. I guess that this isn't a portable, or electronics related at all, but I think It's pretty cool.

A little while ago, a tiny company asked me to jump onboard writing iPhone apps for them. Today's the day that that app, HypedMusic, made it big. We hosted a launch event on Facebook, and it went viral.

If you're interested in more information, or want to see the launch event, it's right here:


If you want to download the app for yourself, just go to the AppStore and type in "HypedMusic." If you want to see it on the iTunes Store, you can do that here:


Now, since I know all of you just love pictures, here you go.







Also, keep in mind:

Since this is the first official public release of the app, there are, of course, going to be bugs. So, here's what I propose. All of you guys are my personal team of debuggers. To make the new iPhone application the best music app you've ever used, send all of your requests, comments, ideas, bug reports, etc. to "developer@hypedmusic.com" and I'll personally do anything within my power to improve this ongoing project until it's well developed enough to take off on its own. I appreciate all the support I've received, thank you so much.

This was a quick post, but thanks for the feedback.

-SQ (George Morgan, SonyQrio)
So the app looks nice enough, congratulations there. I assume there's ads played between songs or such? I suppose I would download it, but despite my avatar, I have no apple devices whatsoever to test on.
samjc3 said:
So the app looks nice enough, congratulations there. I assume there's ads played between songs or such? I suppose I would download it, but despite my avatar, I have no apple devices whatsoever to test on.
No ads yet. We plan on putting banners in future versions. This will remain free and ad free for a while though.

And haha. That's ironic.
Congrats, but I'm not sure if 33 ratings and 3 comments qualifies as going "viral". :/
Zero said:
Congrats, but I'm not sure if 33 ratings and 3 comments qualifies as going "viral". :/
It went viral on Facebook between my friends, their friends, etc. Not on the AppStore. Lol. XD
So basically it went viral within the small group of people who downloaded it...? Dunno if that counts.

Regardless, looks really cool. Nice job!