How many mA does a wii Draw?

Rohan Loomis

Active Member
I know what it draws per hour: 1360mAh but i found these batteries that provide 600mA. They have a mAh of 3000mAh. Help me here.
OK here is an example. There is a 1 Amp limiter on a regulator. you can't pull more than 1 Amp out at a time. i want to know mow many amps a Wii pulls at a time.
Rohan Loomis said:
I know what it draws per hour: 1360mAh
If it draws 1360mAh in an hour, that means it draws 1360mA. Not sure what the question is. That seems a little low to me for a Wii, maybe the idle power draw.
You're confusing units.

mAh - milliamp-hours. The base unit is amp-hour, which is a measure of battery capacity. One amp-hour means (in theory) it can provide one amp for an hour. 10Ah would be ten amps for one hour, or one amp for ten hours.
mA - milliamps. The base unit is amp or ampere, which is a measure of current. There's a fancy explanation using coulombs and flax but basically it's how many electrons are flowing through the wire.
yes i know i just cant explain what I mean. I know that mAh are a unit of how long something can run for e.g: something requires 1000 mAh to run. i have batteries that have 3000 mAh. I can in theory run it for 3 hours. What i mean is my batteries can supply 600 mA at a time i want to know how many mA i takes for a wii to run properly.
So, uh, the CAPACITY of your batteries is 3000mA. And the maximum CURRENT OUTPUT is 600mA?

If so and your 1350mA draw is correct for the Wii. You'll need at least 3 of those batteries.