How hot does you laptop/desktop get?


Frequent Poster
My macbook pro stays at 113 F - 117 F
That is while running safari with 2 windows and about 20 tabs, adium (chat for aol and other clients) ,running utorrent, preview,iphoto,manycams, and smcfan. All at once.
regular applications.

I have seen it go as hot as 163 F ,while playing bioshock at almost maxed out settings
Usually it stays between 122 F and 140 F While playing bioshock on medium settings with a couple high settings.

How hot does you laptop or desktop get?
My unlocked Phenom II, running at 3.4 GHz, once got up to maybe 45°C after I'd been playing 32-man Badwater for an hour. Someday I'm going to try to rearrange all the cables inside my computer and also try applying Arctic Silver to the CPU in a different way than I did last time. (Currently, I applied it following Arctic Silver's directions, which was to put a small blob of paste on the middle of the processor and then put the heatsink on. Next time, I'm gonna try spreading a real thin layer of the stuff on the processor with a credit card.)

My Radeon 5770 usually heats up to 50°C or so while I'm gaming. Graphics cards tend to run hotter, though.
mine desktop peaks at like 85F running games (Mass Effect 2, high settings)
my main laptop hits around 120F peak
my EEE hits like 45F peak
some dell i picked up (2006 XPS) hits 140F.
my old desktop hit 110 or so. my xbox 360 hits 200F, i bet.

(edited for Celsius/Fahrenheit *Can'tSayThisOnTV*up)
-40 ºC = -40 ºF
^ I love that :p

Same I could boil water on your main laptop , dell xps and your old desktop.
120 ºC = 248 ºF
The boiling point of water is 100 ºC (212 ºF)
My eee pc gets hot enough to burn you just from sitting around doing nothing, sometimes I stick a heatsink on the bottom of the base to keep the heat down a bit. (the heatsink starts to burn you too at some point)
BoFoSho said:
Same I could boil water on your main laptop , dell xps and your old desktop.
120 ºC = 248 ºF
The boiling point of water is 100 ºC (212 ºF)
woah crap i did that in celsius. meant to do that in Fahrenheit. :dahroll:
Yeah, 'bout the same as Mako. Since I actually have my laptop on my lap most of the time, I need to pick it up and blow air into it sometimes. The Dell mini 9 doesn't have a fan. Can't remember about the acer ones.
I wonder how hot the macbook air gets ?
From somebody on here.
Not from another forum or website.
Both of my laptops probably go over 100ºF, but I know that my old laptop gets hotter then my new one.

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