How come I can't post new Topics in certain forums?


Active Member
So yeah... why can't I?

I have some stuff to post in the NES forum, but it won't let me!

Is it because I'm a new member? Is it because I only have a few posts?

If someone could help me that would be just :awesome:!

Hope this helps! Sorry for crappy quality!

Scanned from Print Screen function!
If you know how to make a screen shot, please do tell!
You think I should PM a Admin?

I want to use MR! :cry:

EDIT: BTW if I log out, I can at least read all the forums.
PM sent.

But... I PM'd him yesterday... may not be too happy too help...

EDIT: So far the only forums I can read are:
- Store
- Finished Projects
- Generic Modding Skills
- Forums 47
- Spamalot
- The Junkyard

But not any of the WIP type forums... so...