Yeah yeah yeah, I'm the hero that ModRetro deserves, but not the one ModRetro needs right now. So you have to annoy me, because you know I can take it. Because I'm not a hero, I'm a silent guardian, a watchful protector, the godDang ShockSlayer. Or however that goes.
You(Heck, all of you, at least to me) are still kids, maybe not children, but you still have a lot to learn. Age matters very little on the internet, but maturity, actions, and experience matters more here than it does in the rest of the world. I've seen all types, 10 year olds who are more mature than half our userbase, and people who are older than me that still act like little kids from time to time. Depends on how you present yourself, how you type, and what you say, how you say it, and to who you say it.
So: you are by no means going to get equal treatment from anyone if you continue to ignore what we tell you to improve on. And if you continue to demand special treatment for whatever reason, you aren't going to get anything but a hard time, and less people will want to help you.
What I'm saying is this: I know what I'm talking about, you can read my credentials above, and lots and lots of people will vouch for me. So what do you think that other people will think of you if they see you not heeding our advice, or ignoring what we say? They'll probably think you're a stuck up little prick, and they might be the ones with the answer to your question. You don't want that. That makes things worse for you and everyone's mutual quest for knowledge.
You need to show respect, and I don't just mean to me. I mean to other people who have "been there done that." We all tend to share the same sentiment, anyways, so if you aren't respectful, then you shouldn't expect jack flax. We didn't make all those guides for our own benefit, we already know that stuff. And generally, even if you think we are being douchenozzles, we have your best interests at heart.
I wasn't born the godDang ShockSlayer. Back in the day I was just ShockSlayer. I had vb_master, Triton, Skyone, bacteria, Jeffslot, krepticor, and Cronotriggerfan constantly criticizing me and my work and hammering me into a better portablizer. I had idols like joedog86(Life of Brian), marshallh, and G-force. I had fellow shenanigan buddies like daguuy, retromaster, eurddrue and palmer. I still have people hammering me and making me better, and Heck, even some youtube commenters aren't complete retards, and there's something to be learned from them too.
All of that is experience, and it's what made me who I am today. And I will tell you, it wasn't a smooth road, and it wasn't always fun. But you aren't calling me hero because I was given everything or because I'm a natural prodigy, because I'm not.
I've watched many people join, create, learn, build, leave. You love this forum, I am this forum. And I'm trying to share my experience with you and you reject it, so I share it with you again, but a little harder this time. The most disciplined and professional people in the world owe it all to their trainers, their teachers, their role-models. Why? Because they didn't just hand them a gun and tell them to shoot. They taught them, trained them, on how to use it, how to clean it, how to improvise with it, and everything around it, including the neat tips and tricks that you wouldn't find in a textbook. Because they've been there before and they know what they are doing.
I am here to break you down as an ignorant civilian consumer and bring you up as a powerful modder, a creator, a changer of one thing into another, and an overall better person. You aren't going to be building portables for the rest of your life, so I'm teaching you skills that you can use and will use for the rest of your life, through portablizing. Take the good and the bad, take the diagrams and the criticism, and take the friends and the haters, and use it to make yourself a better person.