Hmmm.... How should I go about soldiering to my Wiikey?


Frequent Poster
I am pondering how I should scotch tape the wires (better than solder imo) to my Wiikey fusion. I've tried soldiering to a spare FFC, it melted. I've tried tearing the port off and soldiering to the test pads, not a good idea. Lastly, I tried soldiering to the chip itself, but it ended up in bridged pins and frustration. I am now at a loss of Ideas. How should I scotch tape the wires (better than solder imo) to my Wiikey? I've already soldiered the wires to my GC, so I'm not going to buy a pre-made FFC from anyone. Help?
Most people buy an adapter board and connect the Wiikey to it via FFC as far as I can tell. That might be a good option for you, but I guess it's a little late since you already ripped off the connector. My advice is to use lots of flux.
You are doing something wrong if you can't fit the adapter board in there.


EDIT: You have 5 topics on the first page of this forum, and all of them could fit into your worklog topic. We have a "no threads" group that I could add you to, please keep all your questions to one worklog so that other people's topics can be higher on the list and have a chance at being read. The only excuse for that many topics is someone like ashen, where, every topic is either a worklog of a project or a new discovery to be documented.
Ghrggrggggr... It's a secret project that I will be releasing sometime this month. Okay? It's not my UGC.
Okay. Before you finish it, though, I suggest you learn to spell solder, then learn to solder so you can finish your other 4 gamecube portables too.

Ooh, yes. >_< Idk why, I always miss that.

And SS, I can solder. Here's a teaser.


B-U-R-N :twisted:
Yeah, but Sony is only 14, and you are graduated from High school. It is impressive he can do high quality soldering for his age.
5 topics "why doesn't X work" does not impress.

I graduated like, 3 months ago. So this was like when I was in 10th grade.

I did this back when I was 13.


That's RCP wiring with IDE wire. I was in 8th grade. :trollface:

And SS, the only way you ever learn is by asking questions. I doubt you've never posed a "why doesn't X work" question before.
Oh, I had already finished two portables before I was 14. :trollface:

Also, my RCP wiring worked. And I've done it multiple times.

And I've warned you before about making multiple topics. 13, my first portable, I had one worklog with all my questions. I didn't need to be told.
I finished the Obj-64 when I was 13, and look at the quality difference.



I could build two quickie portables in a month.
Shockslayers work made things like that possible. Plus, his had batteries, AKA an actual portable.
Sony, SS pretty much pioneered everything. AND look how much he learned. Take that portable and compare it to the TSF or his up and coming SLGC. Go look at the sticky. Anyway, SS has the banhammer.

- mymixed
The battery I had wouldn't fit. I could easily put one in. If I wanted to take the SS way out, I could just hot-glue my battery to the back of my portable and run wires in the side of the case.