Hip gear screen not working?


Active Member
I bought a hipgear screen this morning, tested it out and it worked. I detached the screen from the controller and now I can't get it to do anything. I'm giving it about 11 volts from a battery and nothing, no backlight, screen wont do anything or make a peep. Which leads me to believe I'm doing something wrong with wires.
As most would do I'm using the red wire as positive and the black wire as negative.

Can anyone help?
I believe (don't trust me on this) that you need to have an av input sending signal to have it show even a backlight
lyberty5 said:
I believe (don't trust me on this) that you need to have an av input sending signal to have it show even a backlight

I'm not so sure of that, while it was still together it game on with a blank screen w/o AV.

Edit: Yeah I tried giving it a video signal and nothing. Maybe its really picky about voltage.