Hey, i want my own N64 Portable and beg for help

hey guys!

(first: Im not from England, pls excuse mistakes!)

Im COMPLETLY fascinated of the work what some of you guys are doing. I got an old (working!) N64 here and i want to Mod it into a Handheld too!

But i really dont know how to start. I found the guide of Bacteria and it seems pretty "easy" to copy this. But the first problem i have, is: where do i find a Psone Mobile with the Screen i need, to buy?

I hope you dont blame me for just asking my other questions down in a row:

What mistakes can i make?
What are the hardest parts/where i have to care the most?
What costs i have to calculate (got N64+controller+working stuff i need here)?
How long ~ will it take me?

I really hope some1 can answer this questions.

Thank you guys for inspire me and so much other peoples :).

Love you <3
Basic soldering skills will be needed. Also, I don't really recommend Bac's guide if you want to make a smaller portable, some of his techniques are horribly outdated. Read everything in the megasticky twice. Good luck!
What Noah said. The PSOne screens are at least $40 on ebay, and if you want to make a small portable, just use these. BTW Welcome to MR. Good luck and don't get banned!

- mymixed