Help with case


Hi everyone!

I'm currently doing a portable nes. My portable is currently working outside of a case. I've already order a ZN-45 from polycase but i made so much mistake while cutting that it's scrap. I have some question for you guys:

1. How do you precisely cut your case with a dremel?
(The best way i've seen is to cut smaller and than finish with an exacto)

2. How do you paint your case without having ''bubble'' on it?
(I've done this viewtopic.php?f=8&t=72323, but have some problems)

3. Should i use primer before spraying color on my case?
(no clue on this one)

4. If i want to add some custom plastic on my case, should i use epoxy of bondo?
(bondo seems to be the way to go because you can sand and paint it.)

5. What is the best way to remove the 72 pin cartridge connector?
(if its easy i might to it for better disposition)

Finally i would like so tip about the disposition in my case. Sorry for being a noob :neutral2:
I will post some pics to keep you updated if anyone is interested!

Thanks in advance! :mrgreen:
Hey there, my friend, glad you're working on an NES! I'll try and answer some of your questions.

1. A good way to cut precisely is to take a ruler or straightedge, and draw the lines you want to cut with a sharpie. Then just run your
dremel along the lines to cut away at the plastic. You'll want to cut a little less than you actually want it, though, so you can file or sand at it to make the cut perfectly flat or smooth.

2. Make sure that before you paint, that you have nothing stuck on your case like bits of plastic, or dust, or anything. After you've finished working on your case, you could always give it a bath in warm water and dry it off before painting. When you do paint, do several lots of light layers of paint instead of a couple of thick and heavy ones.

3. This depends on what kind of paint you use. If you're epoxy based spray paint, then you won't have to. But with pretty much any other type of spray paint, you should use a primer on your case first so that your paint job doesn't chip off.

4. I'm not exactly sure what you mean here. Could you explain a little more?

5. If you're using a regular old NES like this one:


The connector is very tight against the board, but it isn't soldered on, so you can pull if off. just be careful not to damage the motherboard when removing your connector.

However, if you're using a toploader like this one:


Then you're going to have to desolder the connector, which is a huge pain in the neck. I've never been good at desoldering huge connectors like this, so if you happen to be using this type of NES, you'll have to ask someone else for advice on how to remove it.

I'm interested in this project, dude, so please post pics if you're serious. Hardly anyone does NES mods anymore (aside from Drakon). Good luck my friend!
Hey Zeturi, thanks for all the tip! :)

Here is a clarification on the fourth question : If i want to add some custom plastic on my case, should i use epoxy of bondo?

I mean like this project: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9357
He cuts a n64 controller in two and then he attach them with a product. Is this bondo?

I dont have a picture right now but i have here a video of my nesp taken by my cellphone:

Just to say that this is old and ive done some trimming on my nes mobo since then! :mrgreen:
Yes, it's probably bondo. There are other bonding agents you can use, like epoxy and ABS cement. I personally use ABS cement, but bondo will work just as well.

Good luck with your project!
Hi everybody, here is a little update:

I got some problem with a cap and i need to know the capacitance to replace it.
Here is a pictures:

I've try to switch it with many among the psone screen board but i didnt have any luck yet :(
My project was 100% fonctional before the accident that killed that cap XD
Hey bud, did you already test it?
I thought that cap was to prevent high voltage to return to the board? or maybe it act has a filter?
i will try out tomorrow :)
Here is an update!

So i've got some caps and i tested them out. The only one that seems to be working to replace the C118, seems to be a 16v 1000uf. Right now my screen and my nes are working. There is one thing thought, my screen has randomly some vertical wave on it. These waves happen before and after replacing C118. I took a video here to show if anyone has a problem like this :

From what i can see, it seem that some noise is getting into my video signal. How can i prevent that? I've tried to put filter on my video signal without any sucess...