Has a game ever made you cry?


#1 Female Member
Title says it all. For me, the list is pretty long. And thats an awesome thing, because it seems to me that if a game can make me cry, then it says something about the industry growing up.

My list, pretty much in the order I played em:

Ico: One of the greatest stories told through a game ever.
Shadow of The Colossus: The end.
Fallout 1: Ron Perlman = best narrator ever.
Fallout 2:" "
KotOR: Yeah.
Bioshock: All 3 endings, especially the good ending.
Mass Effect: Virmire, Saren, and more.
Mother 3: yes.
Fallout 3: Ron Perlman, Environment is totally depressing too.
Oblivion. I dont know why, but walking around generally makes me tear all up.
Mass Effect 2. Many times. Jack paragon romance, Tali loyalty, Tali romance, Thane romance, endgame, beginning, LotSB, Overlord, and more.
Mirrors Edge: Still Alive = Awesome apparently sad song.
Braid: I think its the music, but it turns on the waterworks.

I know I am missing some, but thats a pretty good list. I guess I cry alot. How about you?
Nope. Although I did have that sad feeling in my chest when Lucas' mom died in Mother 3.
Half-Life 2: Episode Two.

Dang near cried. Play the game to the end and tell me that didn't make you feel emotional.

Enemy Zero was pretty depressing too.
Earthbound. Seriously, just, experience it for yourself.
I know it sounds corny, but Luigi's mansion actually made me cry. The part where mario is being taken out of the painting just makes me tear up every time.
OoT, not back then, but today every time I hear the music and take in the environment I can't help but reminisce in the days of a 6 year old with nothing to do but play zelda. <3
Oblivion. Not for the story, but because of the deep detailed enviornments and the wonderful scores of music to go along with them..They give me such a feeling of piece and happiness, along with a deep longing for such a lifestyle, which makes me tear up.

And now my memory fades me, if I remember more I'll post them.
I dropped one end of a cocktail arcade cabinet on my foot once, if that counts.
^This guy says yes^

But personally, no, because I never have the attention span to finish most games, and I tend to block out being immersed in the games like I would in a movie, so I don't form any kind of connection with the characters. I'm not easily entertained, and it's a sad life to live.
I can't recall it ever happening, but I rarely tear up. Last time I remember coming close to it due to entertainment was Toy Story 3, I think. I was THIS close to having some tears well up, but I was able to hold it back.
I usually cry/get depressed after finishing an anime franchise or a long game, because there's no longer a main plot-line.

Which is often also why I avoid games with a linear incentive.
true...its FF8....its been so long since i last played it....got so many problems to run in windows XP at one point that i just didnt gone trough the trouble....
Usually I don't cry, but I get kind of sad after finishing any good game. That being said, I can think of a few (not very many) specific times:

Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: First, the nuke, and second, the end where everyone but Price and Soap dies. Lost its impact the first time, though.
Mass Effect: Virmire. I don't know if I've ever saved Kaidan though.
Half-Life 2 Episode 2: The end where Eli Vance dies. Haven't played this game in ages, though.

Can't think of any others right now, but I'm sure they are there.
I cried tears of fear in FFIII when *CENSOR* and *CENSOR* turn on you.

Not sure if those were needed, just wanted to play safe.
We got a spoiler tag ya know. No real point in just censoring people's names because people still know that someone dies or someone turns on you.