Happy New Year + Resolutions

Dang every like 3rd one is "lose weight"

Mine is to make a couple of smexy looking portables.
And keep my highschool All As streek.
I forgot to say that I also resolved to travel to Canada.

And to find a boy named Charles and beat the ever living crap out of him.

Hey, I live in canada, and I think theres a kid at my school named charles (no joke).
My name is Charles and I live in California and I have stolen a Gameboy Color. Too bad I've never you don't really know me. been to South Carolina and you don't know me. :P
zeturi said:
My name is Charles and I live in California and I have stolen a Gameboy Color. Too bad I've never been to South Carolina and you don't know me. :P

What the Heck was I drinking at the time...