Good Rig?


I like purpale ponies
I'm trying to build a computer for under 600 dollars, and I'm buying the parts from tiger direct.(Hopefully I can buy the parts in-store by some miracle, there's one not far from where I live)
CPU and Motherboard Combo, integrated GPU
500GB Hard Drive
4 Gigs DDR2 Ram(Cheapest ram I could get)
Case and PSU
Sata Cables
Cheapie wifi dongle
CPU Cooling
Overall Case Cooling
Fan Controller
I have some off brand thermal paste and a monitor already, but I don't know if the motherboard's graphics processing is any good. Should I get this instead?(or something else cheap)
Looks pretty good to me, I'm kind of iffy on the power supply though, the processor power hog takes up a 1/4 of the wattage.

Also I hope you plan to get a dedicated card in the near future, pretty much any modern dedicated card is better than an integrated one.

If you do get a dedicated card you might need a new power supply depending on the card.
I know, but this'll be alright for now.(I should probably buy a different psu and make my own case just for money reasons, so I can upgrade to a new dedicated card later on.
This Card?
It really depends what game you're going to be playing and at what quality.

My advice is to look up youtube videos of the card and look at the benchmarks, usually people will show you what quality there settings are at and show the game playing so that you can see for yourself if there is any choppiness.
okay, I'll do that.(I have a new case and psu picked, but I don't think I have the money to get a good graphics card anymore)(Maybe for christmas...)
Yeah, the 790GX isn't that bad, but when you can afford it, upgrade the graphics. I recommend saving up for a better graphics card. I have a similar one (Sapphire Radeon HD 4670 512MB) and it's good- I can run almost everything at high settings at the 1680X1024 resolution my monitor is at (granted I don't have anything that new). However, I don't think that would be possible with the latest games or ones that are going to come out soon. In other words, it works, but not very futture proof.
I'll get some nice stuff in there later in the year, like I said. (Christmas present)