Give a Noob some Tips for Wiring up LiPo Batteries to PCB?


Hey everyone. For a while now I have been working on making my own N64P and so far it has gone great! But now I am to the point where I need to wire the LiPo batteries to the PCB. Not having any experience with wiring batteries, I am terrified that something will go wrong and blow up (I have watched the LiPo explosions on Youtube :eek: ). I have thoroughly read everything on the forums (specifically this thread: /viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9167), but nowhere does it mention exactly *how* to solder wire to the batteries and PCB correctly. I know this is a simple question for those of you who have been doing this a long time, but I figured that I would rather be safe than sorry. Thanks guys! I really appreciate it.
Re: Give a Noob some Tips for Wiring up LiPo Batteries to PC

Well I'm fairly certain you can easily tin the wire and solder onto the PCB fairly easily, just follow the pinout and diagrams

But if you have batteries that require to solder directly on to them, I suggest buying new batteries that have wires already attached

Or you can try a pretty hazardous if done incorrectly method of soldering directly on battery terminals

You would have to sand off the surface off each end of the terminals to allow for better conductivity.
Then lay your tinned wire on the battery positive terminal, then heat up the wire with your iron


repeat for negative terminal
Re: Give a Noob some Tips for Wiring up LiPo Batteries to PC

Thank you for your quick response SNEAKxxATTACK.

The batteries I purchased were the LiPos that Hailrazer recommends in his "lithium polymer battery guide" from batteryspace. They have two flaps, so I assume that those are the battery terminals that you are mentioning? Do you know of a good, affordable place to get pre-wired batteries? :)
Re: Give a Noob some Tips for Wiring up LiPo Batteries to PC

well I'm sure you can solder to the flaps, because those are what connects to the battery themselves.
treat them like a solder pad on a PCB.
Re: Give a Noob some Tips for Wiring up LiPo Batteries to PC

Thank you! I really appreciate the straightforward answers! :)
Now I can safely proceed!