General switching questions (both power and audio)

Alright, 2 main questions here:

1: How does one make a "charge and play" circuit as seen in such portables as Ashen's various Micro's?

2: I've seen various people (such as the aforementioned Ashen) use a "switching headphone jack." When searched for on eBay, i came up with this: How would one implement this (or similar items) into a portable, IE. how would you connect this to the speakers as well as an amplifier and the motherboard of the gc?

I'm sure the answers to these questions (and more) are posted somewhere, however, I have not been able to locate them. Could someone explain them, or at least point me in the correct direction?
Much Appreciated, GDorf929

This would be after the amp circuit and in between the speakers and amp.
so, it would go like this...

amp-->headphone jack-->speakers

and that's all I need to do, I can just buy a headphone jack off of eBay?
Also, I'm assuming one would use an LM386 audio amp? that's about the one thing I actually know how to use :?
Yes. Maybe. You could if you wanted. To buy it off ebay, you should check that it has six contacts on it. You could also use THIS ONE for the amp. Pair it with some DS lite speakers and its awesome.
i guess that does stereo sound? Awesome!
Also, do you know about the charge n' play?

EDIT: finally found the charge and play diagram by shockslayer after doing some digging, so that about rounds it up!