GCP battery HElp

Hello, I want my GC work on battery but I want a maximum playtime, what of battery should I buy ?
I think li-po baterry is a good choise but I don't knox precisly, help me please !
*Looks at keyboard, x is not close to w, even on phone, he must be using t9.

Look at voltage section, also check out made by bacteria site.

PS, woot 100th post
"I want a maximum playtime"

That really doesn't mean anything. Maximum meaning what exactly? How long are you looking for ?
*Looks at keyboard, x is not close to w, even on phone, he must be using t9.

*look his name: "manu.le.ouf", it's a french one, and on azerty keyboards, "w" is just next to "x". He must be french :wink:

@hailrazer: I think he means that he is looking for the longest playtime possible (so there is no answer for his question, I mean you can add as many batteries you want so the playtime can always be increased).

@manu: Pour avoir le plus de temps de jeu possible, utilise le cable secteur. Ta question aurait plus de sens si tu demandais quelles sont les batteries qui fournissent le plus de mah par rapport à leur taille (car j'imagine que tu as une place limitée pour mettre tes batteries dans ta gamecube portable ;) ). Par contre ça coute cher... surtout si tu les fait venir des us. Mais comme disait Sneak, tu peux aller faire un tour dans la partie "voltage megasticky".
Off topic:
I still think it's no excuse, I try to take the time for spellcheck, and some of my grammatical errors.

I think it is more important for people that are translating themselves. And expected of people with English as first language.

On topic:
But most people will tell you to go to BatterySpace.com and ponder through their catalog for Li ions

But if you are out of the US, I can only say that you google:
"alternatives BatterySpace.com [your country]"
"Battery supplier [your country]"
*Looks at keyboard, x is not close to w, even on phone, he must be using t9.

Please, kid, don't be stupid because of a small error like that. No one likes stupid peoples. It could discourage the guy to ask things on ModRetro.
English is not my first language.

Also, I did try to help, rather than only criticizing somebody and being a little condescending "kid". I did explain myself about why the misspelling and grammar errors are pet places of mine.

I think a mod should clear this up for the OP and lock this topic.

Off topic:
I still think it's no excuse, I try to take the time for spellcheck, and some of my grammatical errors.

I think it is more important for people that are translating themselves. And expected of people with English as first language.

On topic:
But most people will tell you to go to BatterySpace.com and ponder through their catalog for Li ions

But if you are out of the US, I can only say that you google:
"alternatives BatterySpace.com [your country]"
"Battery supplier [your country]"

I can help you find a specific site, if you tell us what country you're from.
@SNEAKwwATTACK: Spell check and grammar check are nice features to have, but unfortunately "tact check" hasn't been invented yet, and that one is most important when posting, regardless of any other limiting factors such as language or typing skills. If you want to correct someone, you're going to need to be nice about it...otherwise you're going to get called a kid(usually much worse) and at that point you've lost credibility and what little help you were trying to give becomes meaningless. Try being insightful instead of asinine about others misspellings...but that's enough of that, yeah? This is as far as it goes.

@manu.le.ouf: As far as playtime goes: 7.4v at 5000mAh will get you a little over 2 hours of battery life, depending on what voltages you run the regulators at. So base your battery hunt around that.

Alright, sorry guys, if you really believe I'm in the wrong I can lay off that talk.
But I was only joking after all. But I guess my wording was pretty harsh, sometimes I forget that diction is pretty hard to catch on without being very descriptive or, for the Internet at least, being straightforward about what you meant about a statement.
Thanks to all for help and sorry for gramatical error x)
So yes I you want help me to find a specific site I'll be happy, I come from France, I have been on some french site for battery but no one was same as Batteryspace, can someone help me please ? :)
I want use 3 Li-on 3.7v battery or one 11.1v battery for my portable. My GC run on 12v, so 11.1v should enought, right ?
You can look up 11.1v or whatever voltage you need from canon batteries open them up the plastic enclosure and take the cells and any pcb inside, if any

Note you can probably take separate cells from these then add the voltages by wiring in series to get the voltage you need and add the capacities by wiring in parallel.
If you run the Gamecube with 11.1v lithium a then you won't get as long battery life as you would if you run it at 14.4v. The Gamecube with the built in regulator won't work below 10v , so the Gamecube would shut off when you still have around 20% battery life left. You'd lose a lot of play time that way.
You can make a regulator which allows one to use 7.4 volt batteries. I think this is cheaper than 14 volt, and im guessing that you can save alot of space, as 7.4 volt batteries are usually small.

here's the link to the regulator.


Think of the seemingly bleak support as pushing you into the deep end of the pool to learn to swim.
When I didn't find any help, it forced me to learn it on my own. And you have to understand how frequent a question like yours pops up & most people get tired of answering the same questions over and over.

I do believe in not constantly spoon-feeding, given how you can self teach much of this stuff especially if you consider yourself computer and internet competent.

But I can suggest you read all the stickies and their links.
Start with the general modding section, particularly the voltage subsection that is found there.

To figure out what capacity of batteries it takes to fulfill your running time requirements, you need to figure out the power draw of the circuit that will draw power from your battery. Zenloc (now LOCtronics) figured out the current draw for several voltages for the gamecube which is found on his custom regulator thread. Google/search this site for the thread

Estimated play time = (capacity) / (current draw)

capacity = mAH that is supplied by the battery manufacturer, or measure with multimeter
Current draw = the draw that corresponds to the voltage you use.

14.8V & 5000mAH usually gives around 2 hours

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, I only compiled this information from my constant reading of several threads.

Copy pasted
OKay guys, after thinking all what you have told me I have choose my battery...
I use a portable dvd player screen with AV.IN and it work on 12V, I have already try to run it in lower voltage but it doesn't work, so I run my GC on 12V too,
I have choose a 14,8V battery as shockslayer told me, because a 11.1V battery could "eat" my playtime,
so this is my last question, is this battery can satisfy what I expect ?

http://www.all-battery.com/li-ion186501 ... omize.aspx