GameCube Fusion Rev. 3


GameCube Révolutionary
Yea, I know I'm supposed to be working on my Wii laptop, which I am. ;) However its been too cold here lately for me to be out in my garage doing bucket loads of sanding to the case. So what better to do than have a few projects going at once. Here's a sneak peak of the work I've got done on the Revision 3 Fusion. Its the size length and width wise of a PS Vita and will be 1 and 1/8th inch thick. 5400mah batteries. Yea.


Its actually a little bit larger length and width wise than it needs to be, the reason for that will be revealed in the next model. ;)
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

Can I learn the secrets of the 2nd model? Haha. I love the psp shape and want something like it when I start mine. *fanboy scream*
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

I thought you said you'll stop making GCs for a while. xD
Also, what speakers are those in the background? They look pretty small.
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

Chriiiis said:
Can I learn the secrets of the 2nd model? Haha. I love the psp shape and want something like it when I start mine. *fanboy scream*

Secrets? all of my worklogs for all the portables I've built are posted on these very forums. There are no secrets.

nuke said:
I thought you said you'll stop making GCs for a while. xD
Also, what speakers are those in the background? They look pretty small.

I said I wasn't taking commissions, and that I wanted to work on other projects. This is another project. ;P

They are DSlite speakers.

bentomo said:

Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

Ashen... I thought we told you to stop hacking real life... :D

Looks fantastic.
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

Thanks guys :oops:

Here's a bit of the inner layout of most stuff. You can see its a bit bigger than it needs to be really, only a few mm though.


Still a lot of wiring and flax to do, I should have this one wrapped up pretty quick now though.
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

Ashen keeps on throwing gamecube portables out there :D awesome work. Quality of you work is reaching factory made level. Crazy skillz!!
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

So close I can taste it.

After a dead motherboard (not really dead, but suffered from seemingly irreparable audio noise) and having to rip it out of the case, new motherboard ripped out of case twice and 1 dead Wiikey Fusion (me being stupid, 12v to pin 29 does not a switchless wiikey make) I'm finally close to finishing this one up.

As you can see, theres not much wasted space at all in this one:



What do you guys think? Should I paint the triggers grayish? or leave them white?

Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

You my friend are getting too good at this :p

Leave them white. Looks great! Nice idea with the shoulder buttons.

How many'th gamecube does this make it??
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

Those triggers are *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing sexy. Leave it the same color as the case.

Like seriously, this looks even less home made than the other ones.

This thread just keeps leaving me with so much to say that I can't think of anything to sum it all up.

...Just... so... sexy...

like seriously, I'm just talking gibberish and stumbling over my words...
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

I see you're using the screen i told you :D
Insane skills, man. I really can't wait to see it finished :awesome:
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

Jaw droppingly sexy. And is that..... is that part of a 3DS mobo?
Re: GameCube Fusion Rev 3. (Sneak Peak)

Haha no way! Its a dead DS Lite mobo that i used for parts. Thanks everyone, I was thinking to keep the triggers white but wasnt 100% sure.